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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Review - The Undead Pool (The Hollows #12) by Kim Harrison

A Review by Carol

Book – The Undead Pool (The Hollows #12)
Author – Kim Harrison
Publication Date – February 25, 2014
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Paranormal Romance
Rating – 6 out of 5 Stars


Witch and day-walking demon Rachel Morgan has managed to save the demonic ever after from shrinking, but at a high cost. Now strange magic is attacking Cincinnati and the Hollows, causing spells to backfire or go horribly wrong, and the truce between the races, between Inderlander and human, is shattering.

Rachel must stop the occurrences before the undead vampire masters who keep the rest of the undead under control are lost and it becomes all-out supernatural war. However, the only way to do so is through the ancient elven wild magic, which carries its own perils.


Ok….please bear with me – this is the first Paranormal book I have the pleasure of reviewing.  Yeah – I have read hundreds of them when I was addicted to this genre…..but for some reason – I can’t help but love and continue to read The Hollows series.

It’s kind of funny but years ago when I first picked up Book #1 – I read the first few pages and put it back down – I was bored to tears ---- a few months later I saw it sitting on my Nook and decided to try again and once I got past the first few chapters….I was fucking HOOKED!!  This is the only series that continues to have me going back for more and more of Rachel, Ivy, Jenks, Trent ---- my GOD….it’s like they are my freakin’ family!

I waited and waited for this book – I requested it on Edelweiss and got turned down (poopy heads) so I had to wait for the release day.  My God….this book – I can’t even begin to explain the emotions I went through in reading it.  I was pissed… fucking pissed at the circumstances surrounding Rachel and Trent.  For so many years, I have waited for these two to FINALLY realize that they make a great team.  And for me hating Trent so much in the earlier episodes, he really did a 360 in his attitude and his actions.  Hahahahaaa….I still remember when he held Rachel captive in a little cage acting like she was his pet!! What a dickhead he was back then.

You know I thought after Kirsten – that Rachel would never be happy again – they were perfect together….hahahaha….well the best a vampire and demon could be…right?

But put together an elf and a demon….whoah….now that’s something to write home about!!

Ms. Harrison does it every time….she captivates me and takes me on an adventure through the Hollows, through the ley lines, through the ever after and through Cincy. For a book being over 500 pages – I was upset when I got to the end….I wanted more. 

Like what is going to happen with Rachel and Trent?  What about Al? (Yeah he really pissed me off) I don’t think Ellsabeth is done wrecking havoc….have we seen the last of her?  I want more Newt….

Please tell me Ms. Harrison that this isn’t the last we will be reading about my favorite demon, vampire, pixie, elf and werewolf!!


Rachel is at it again….a walking time bomb clutz – this time magic is misfiring and it seems to be coming from her ley line.  The undead vampire masters have fallen into a deep sleep and can’t be woken while the “free vampires” are making life in Cincy dangerous.  With the help of all Rachel’s friends they figure out who is behind the mess but why is Newt catching fireflies and calling it magic?  What could this possibly have to do with the troubles in Cincy?

Through all of this, Trent is acting different – he is taking risks and enjoying the hell out of himself.  With Qwen gone and Rachel as his security, he is riding the high life of being “normal” Well that is until Ellsabeth shows up along with the Elven priests and pressures Trent into finalizing his engagement to Ellsabeth.  It’s the right thing to do in order to keep the West and East Coast elves unified.

But then why is Trent taking Rachel out on a close to “normal” date by going bowling and eating greasy food?  Is there more to this?


Ms. Harrison NEVER disappoints with her Hollows series!  And the more she writes – the more I want to read!

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