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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blog Tour/Review - Love's Suicide by Jennifer Foor

Title: Love Suicide
Author: Jennifer Foor
Release Date: March 6th 2014


My heart belonged to Branch and Brooks Valentine since we were children, when we were all too naïve to know what that even meant. We didn’t understand that when we became adults, love would change us. I had to make a choice and when I did, it ripped our bond apart. Brooks left town, and he took half of my heart with him. It was difficult, but I coped and planned my future with Branch. I thought I’d made the right decision. I loved him and I always had.

Brooks showed up to be our best man the night before our nuptials. After drinks and too much reminiscing, I ended up in bed with the wrong brother. To avoid the humiliation and the fact that I’d ruined all of our lives, I left Branch and the only family I’d ever known.

That’s where my story should have ended.

Two years, one beautiful little girl and an abusive marriage later, I was standing there staring at the man that would always hold my heart.

The only question was…

Would I give it to him

I’m Katy Michaels and this is my story.

Purchase Link

Review by Carol

Book – Love’s Suicide
Author – Jennifer Foor
Publication Date – February 27, 2014
Type – Stand Alone
Genre – Romance, New Adult
Rating – 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.


Well…. this was action packed story full of drama and angst – every page was another mess that Katy got herself into.  Every time I thought the story was finally going to be full of love and romance – another glitch was thrown into those plans.

I honestly have to say that Katy pissed me the hell off!  Between making all the wrong choices – her whining and always putting her problems first without the consideration of how her actions would affect others – just rubbed me the wrong way.  All of the drama that surrounded Katy was made by her own hand but then she had the audacity to cry and whine about it.

It was Brooks that saved the book for me.  The love that he had for Katy was beautiful and how many times did this boy constantly forgive her for past transgressions.  How many times could this man be rejected – wanted – rejected – wanted etc etc?? 

I will tell you though – even with Katy getting me angry – I still had to turn the page to see what was going to happen next.  My curiosity had me walking around with my phone in hand and head buried in the book waiting for Katy to redeem herself.

Did she?  I can’t give it away ---- you will have to find out for yourself.  But please – make sure when you want to throw your tablet after Katy makes a stupid decision – it is against a soft surface!


We follow Katy through her life starting out as a child along with her two best friends; Brooks and Branch, the twins who live next door.  She loves them both but there is something special with Brooks that she feels.  As they get older, Katy feels that Brooks isn’t interested but Branch shows her all the attention that he wants more to their relationship.  Katy gives in to Branch which pushes Brooks further and further apart from her.

She feels that she made the right choice especially with Branch constantly telling her that he is the right one for her and that Brooks left her to join the army.  Just as Branch and Katy are about to get married, Brooks shows up at the rehearsal dinner and Katy is blown away with the feelings she still harbors for him.  One night of passion between the two – breaks up a marriage and forces Katy to run.

She hides out and starts a new life for herself, but then is met with another challenge – she is now pregnant with Brooks’ child.  After a marriage of convenience with Bobby and continued secrecy about her baby girl “B” – Brooks comes storming back in her life.


If you love stories filled with drama, angst, heartbreak, abuse and much more…then you will love this story.  We not only have a triangle….but we have a square with this bad boy!



Author Bio

A Maryland native who spends most of her time
devising a plan to live off the land on some remote island, where no one will ever find her.

She is a married mother of two kids, who may or may not drive her completely bonkers. In her spare time she enjoys shooting pool, camping and spending time with friends and family.

Media Links

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