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Thursday, January 16, 2014



4 Concluding, No More Cliffys, Very Hot Stars

This is the conclusion of the 3 part series. In the first two parts we were always left hanging, dangling, dying to see what was around the corner... and our fearless author would leave us there ...

Teasing and Taunting ... making us click to get our fix on the next chapter for these two....

Was that fair.. or kind...ABSOLUTELY NOT! But she did deliver each time... and in this last part... I really was right there with Sebastian and Sophia every step of the way.

Was I always happy with all the roads they traveled... no ... but I really loved a lot of the detours they took... like the time they went to a little far off place called Mi Casa...

There was great and dancing... the type of dancing which makes you feel as if you are having sex standing up while moving to the music... and dance they did...

I liked when they connected on levels which were surprising to him....when he was overwhelmed with need and desire for Sophia which confused him yet made him feel more secure than he ever had been before...

And I loved when Sophia actually got her shit together and stood her ground... whether it was against a co worker bitch... or better yet, during a time of great stress ... setting aside everything to support and be there for Sebastian.

This story had a little something for those who like their romance with some intrigue and mystery. This story also delivered on the hot, steam and full on melt panties buy new ones scale....

So I will look out for Maya Cross and see what she is up to next... because I know she will be delivering something tasty.... My only caveat is she likes to do Cliffys.... so I was very fortunate to have had all three books ready for me to read. If I had had to wait for them.... I might not have been so willing to travel where she lead me....
One final note.... Jahy.... pssssst... Thanks... you were right... 

Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, two children, and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker, and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys science fiction movies, and loves soccer in any and all forms. During the fall, she coaches her daughter’s soccer team. Though she currently works in the technology field, her school background is in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.

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