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Thursday, January 16, 2014


A Review by Wendy

3.5 Continuing, Slightly Confusing, 007? Stars
This is the continuation of the Alpha Group series Locked. In the last book we met uber sex Sebastian and his "play" friend, Sophia. They had met in an engaging secretive way .... both felt the pull and were entering a casual exclusive relationship... based on attraction and also her need to discover her submissive side. Sebastian was all too happy to comply and get togethers were happening with very "productive "results. 

She was learning the excitement of doing very sexual things at work without anyone being the wiser... he was learning to let his guard down a bit... share a little bit about himself with her and both were blossoming from the experience.

But life and habits have a way of intruding... she has co workers at the firm who just get such glee demeaning her and giving her crap work to do instead of the cases she deserves. He has an on going battle of wills to fight... his desire for her and his need to control and make sure nothing bad ever happens to those he becomes attached to...

They stay the course... somehow breaching the unwritten line in the sand... and she unfortunately does again the unthinkable... she goes to his office building uninvited... and we are left not knowing what will happen now...

This second book bridges the gap from the first... continues the hot attraction between these characters and pushes the story down the lane.... 
Am I totally happy with all of the ways these characters think and react... no... But I am interested enough to click click and get the conclusion to this tale.... Because between that hot sex I mentioned and the intrigue...I have my theories.... and I will not be denied.... so I will have it all Unlocked.
Maya Cross is writer who enjoys making people blush. Growing up with a mother who worked in a book store, she read a lot from a very young age, and soon enough picked up a pen of her own. Her previous work spans many genres including horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and she has now started this pen name as an outlet for her spicier thoughts (they were starting to overflow). She likes her heroes strong but mysterious, her encounters sizzling, and her characters true to life.

She believes in writing familiar narratives told with a twist, so most of her stories will feel comfortable, but hopefully a little unique. Whatever genre she's writing, finding a fascinating concept is the first, and most important step.

The Alpha Group is her first foray into erotic romance, and she absolutely loved writing it.

When she's not writing, she's playing tennis, trawling her home town of Sydney for new inspiration, and drinking too much coffee.

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