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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Review - Miss Taken (Miss Taken #1) - Cleo Scornavacca

A Review by Carol

Book – Miss Taken (Miss Taken #1)
Author – Cleo Scornavacca
Publication Date – September 30, 2013
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance
Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author in exchange for an honest review.


Love........................The Ultimate Loss of Control Rain and Raven Medici are identical twins. Although they come from a loving close-knit family their childhoods couldn't have been more different. Raven went to school and was exposed freely to the outside world. Rain on the other hand was born with a blood disorder and denied many normal childhood experiences.

Once grown, Raven becomes a lawyer at their dad's firm Kane & Medici in NYC. Rain along with her only childhood friend Tommy Conte, builds a very successful business as professional photographers. Traveling between Europe and Manhattan, and enjoying a world that was kept from her, Rain vows never to be controlled again.

Dominick Kane is a product of his upbringing. He's powerful, self-assured and knows he can achieve anything he desires. Nothing gets in his way. There is only one thing he has ever failed at. A relationship with his father Vincent Kane.

Upon his father's death, Dominick vows revenge. The events he sets in motion put him on ancollision course he himself will be unable to control. In a bizarre twist of fate, Dominick kidnaps Raven as part of his plan for revenge. Only to discover afterward, he has taken Rain by mistake. Rain knows she can never survive being confined again. So she strikes a bargain with the devil and agrees to help Dominick get back what he feels rightly belongs to him. His father's share of Kane & Medici.

Dominick decides to use the strong attraction growing between Rain and himself to control her in every way imaginable. Too bad no one ever taught Dominick you can't control the heart. Nothing could have prepared him for the effect Rain would have on his.

Will this plan of revenge turn into unconditional love? Or will Dominick and Rain's need for control ultimately destroy them and any possibly chance for a real future together.......


Ok…before I start with my review about “Miss Taken” – I have to tell you all a little story ---

Once upon a time, a book-a-holic was asked to read a story which sounded rather interesting and while (we will call her “Star”) Star was reading, she noticed that there were misspellings, typos, grammatical problems etc. Oh my, but that didn’t deter our little Star from reading on.  Yes, there were times that Star got slightly frustrated at the errors, but she was much too engrossed in the tale to give up now.  For hours you couldn’t see Star’s button nose since it was hidden behind her tablet but you could hear her delicate sounds of “pfft’ing” or “huffing” and sometimes even a few colorful words escaped her mouth.  Next thing I realize is that a string of curse words are coming out of our beautiful (yeah had to add that) Star’s mouth.  Ahh, must be a cliffhanger!

Well, Star didn’t know what to do about a review – she knew how tough and critical the gals were on Goodreads and didn’t want to give the book a raving review in case the grammar got torn apart by another reviewer, so Star hitched up her big girl panties and emailed the author.  She tried to be as kind and gentle as possible by explaining to Miss Cleo that Star hoped she accidentally received a non-edited version and didn’t want to leave a review until she knew for sure.

Days went by without a response, while Star worried that she may have upset the author’s feelings until finally (que the trumpets) she awoke to a magical email.  Miss Cleo wasn’t upset; instead she was grateful to Star for being honest and verifying with her first.  This prompted Miss Cleo to start re-editing the book so the rest of the Goodread’s kingdom could join in the festivities of “Miss Taken”.

If you look close enough, you can still see our little Star with her nose buried in a book huffing and fucking every time she gets to a cliffhanger.  So my little readers….the moral to this story is “Never be afraid of our authors, they are real people just like the rest of us!”

*Whew….damn, I was dreaming of stars flying around me and this annoying narrator telling a story…..

Now putting that all aside, I am reviewing this book on the story line and the author's sense of imagination.  I give this 2 thumbs up!  For a debut novel, I am definitely anticipating the release of the next book in this series.

The story?  Damn….I loved it!  What a twist on a kidnapping story….got the wrong twin?  I loved the story between Rain and Dominick and their magnetism was off the charts.

A very unique storyline but yes, there were some instances where it fell in the “cookie cutter” mode – but if you can overlook those few parts and that it ends with a cliffhanger then woo-hoo, you found your book!


Rain and Raven Medici are twins in appearance but that is where the consistency ends.  Rain has been raised by a very controlling family who sheltered her from the outside world because of a rare blood disorder.  Raven on the other hand is controlling, just like her parents, and is following in her father’s footsteps.

In comes Dominick who has a vendetta against the Medici family and wants revenge against Rain and Raven’s father.  He comes up with a plan to kidnap Raven (he doesn’t know about Rain) in exchange for what he wants from her father.

The plan backfires because it’s not Raven who Dominick’s thugs kidnapped, instead it was Rain but no one knows it’s not Raven.  As time goes on, Rain and Dominick realize that there is more to their relationship than kidnapper and hostage.  For the first time in Dominick’s life, he feels life – love and a future….but what is that? a future with Raven or Rain??


There are questions which remain unanswered in this book – there is a wallop of a cliff-hanger at the end – but I have insider knowledge the next book is coming out soon!  Great story and one that I would recommend (wait a bit if you are looking for an error free book) to everyone!  There is a bit of everything in here….love, romance, sickness, suspense, heartbreak, jealousy, happiness, abuse, jekyll/hyde personality, kidnapping, handcuffs, whips chains nipple…oh sorry wrong story… mind wandered….sorry.

Pick it up and find out what I’m talking about!

About the Author

As far back as I can remember, I have loved books. I love reading them and I have finally admitted to myself that I love to write them. Miss Taken is my debut novel as an Indie Writer of Adult Romance. It's the first book in the series. 

My career before writing started in apothecary pharmacy. Working alongside the pharmacist, I enjoyed being around the customers and assisted in making compounded skincare products. Once the pharmacy was sadly sold, I worked as a make-up artist for brands such as Princess Marcella Borghese, Bobbi Brown and MAC Cosmetics. Being around different people and the work I did was never boring, yet something was always missing. Although I am still working, I decided it was time to make writing more than just a dream but a reality.

Then finally one day after Hurricane Sandy hit the shores of NJ, I read an interview about longtime friend and fellow author Joseph Grant. It really hit home for me. So after talking with Joe and my mom, I jumped into the world of writing and recently self-published Miss Taken, so my works would be more than for "my eyes only." 

Since the day I started to write Rain and Dominick's story, I have never looked back, nor have I regretted one single moment of it.

When I write, much of the time the story plays in my head as a movie and sometimes even includes background music, we can all use a little background music. 

I try to add elements of things I love and share them with the readers. I will continue to create characters and stories that you can laugh, cry, love, hate and even become slightly crazy about. 

Let's face it, we can all use some crazy to escape real life.


Miss Taken was released September 30th 2013.

Currently I'm working on Identity, Book Two in the series.

When I'm not writing I am spending time with friends, family, my Dobie, Blue; and of course, hanging down the Jersey shore.

Author Links

Purchase Your Copy Here - Only $0.99 on Amazon

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