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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Blog Tour/Review ♥ Steal Me by Lauren Layne ♥ #giveaway

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STEAL ME Prize Pack!

New York's Finest #2
Lauren Layne
Releasing Nov 24th, 2015



a cop might be in Anthony Moretti's blood, but protecting and serving the city
of New York has always been more than just the family business. If that means
his love life stays locked up, well then that's just another sacrifice made in
the line of duty. That is, until he sets eyes on the gorgeous new waitress at
The Darby Diner and suddenly Anthony's morning coffee is leaving him a whole
lot more hot and bothered than usual.


waitressing at The Darby isn't exactly Maggie Walker's dream job, it pays the
bills and gives her time to work on her novel. Now if only she could stop
fantasizing about gorgeous Anthony Moretti every time he sits down at her
table, she'd really be in great shape. But when he needs her help identifying a
criminal threatening The Darby—and Maggie recognizes her ex-husband—she fears
her fresh start might be a pipe dream. Faster than a New York minute, Maggie and
Anthony find themselves in one perilous pursuit that only gets hotter with each
and every rule-breaking kiss.


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A Review by Wendy

4 You Can Have It All Stars
 * * * * 

Earlier this year I fell for the Moretti Family in the first book of this series,
Frisk Me. We were introduced to all of the Moretti's and they were wonderful with individual styles and swag. But with all of that going on, there was one universal theme happening and it was family will always be there for you. They may not deliver the message the way you want or may get in your personal business one too many times... but the love undercurrent of their comments always rang true in the end.

In this installment about "New York's Finest", we have generations coming to terms about their place... a father who has retired from being the Captain of the entire force of this great city and a son on his way up the golden ladder to take the expected and coveted place.

We see the father needing to be included in the day today happenings on the force... with all of the grown children around the table discussing  "beats", investigations and media focus. This is a constant whether it is the family's table at home or their home away from home, the Diner they go to religiously every Sunday morning with the same commitment as attending their place of worship with their own designated booth. They had the same waitress for decades until she retired and now there is this wisp of a gal who seems to always cause chaos whenever around Anthony Moretti.

Oh, excuse me... I forgot... it is Captain he corrected our new gal, Maggie Walker during the celebration party the family had for his promotion. This goal of Captain was just another step on the ladder to Chief. Anthony wants this more than anything and has sacrificed in so many ways to achieve it. He has lost a relationship the hard way, shutting his heart to any thought of human connection other than a controlled encounter. He will not let that painful feeling of being ignored or being put in second place happen to another woman... he saw what it did to his last relationship. His always being taken away from birthdays, anniversaries, romantic took too much of a toll, with seeing the tears and frustration. He will not inflict that again.

So why the hell is he twisted about this Maggie Walker...It seems she cannot hold a coffee pot near without spilling on him and ruining his shirt or taking plates away with having all the bacon grease attach itself to his clothes...

And the worst...Everybody at the table, all siblings and parents...even Nonnie, LOVE her! Oh, Maggie... let me get that for you... don't worry, accidents happen...even gruff brothers who never even talk much, have a kind word for her...

But Maggie is in a place right now where she is just trying to make it... with the personal responsibilities of taking care of shiftless brother and active alcoholic dad, every tip counts. Between having to come up with repeated rehab funds for programs her father never completes and an entitled brother, she has the opposite family life of the Moretti's. She divorced the man she thought at first was going to be her life. That quickly was shattered when all of his scheming and constant drain on her took its toll. She finally got free of him...but she is always looking over her shoulder.

It is her awareness which is the big catalyst in bringing Maggie and Anthony closer. Anthony is using the Diner as an escape from his precinct. There has been a rash of home invasions with the culprit leaving a Smiley face as his signature to flaunt he was there. The force finally got a witness and a sketch is on the table when Maggie comes to top off his coffee. Shock and confusion hits her, wanting to know why he has a picture of her ex on the table...

This is starts the romantic ball rolling much faster...Now Anthony has a reason to visit Maggie outside of the Diner... now he can torture himself with more than just dreams of her...Because whether he will admit it or not, he is smitten.

This tale has intrigue and romance holding hands... The investigation of this rash of invasions and Maggie's knowledge of the suspect puts her under the microscope of all the law enforcement agencies involved. It also causes huge gambles with Anthony's career...for he cannot stay away from this amazing woman.

I am a huge Lauren Layne fan and this was a solid entry. Anthony was not always the easiest to love... his single focus of all or nothing re: career or love was a difficult pill to swallow sometimes. Maggie was the perfect fit for him and it just took a while for him to see the light.

The Moretti family humor and manipulations, though, lightened the feel and added so much to the story. This is a winning series with us being led gently down the Moretti path waiting for the next sibling to have their tale. With all the brothers and sis... I won't have to wait long. 

Lauren Layne is the USA Today

Bestselling author of contemporary romance.

Prior to becoming an author, Lauren

worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from
Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing
career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent
assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren's
gone on to publish ten books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with
several more on the way in 2015.

Lauren currently lives in Chicago with

her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you'll find her at happy
hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally
curly hair.

Want More Moretti's?
Don't miss FRISK ME 
(New York's Finest #1)
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1 comment :

  1. Great review! Thank you for hosting!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
