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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wendy - Blog Tour Review - Conflicted Love - Lola Stark

Blog Tour - Reviewed by Wendy

Conflicted Love
Book #2 Needle's Kiss Series


(Conflicted Love is book #2 in the Needle's Kiss series and should be read AFTER Tattered Love to fully grasp the story.)

Trip’s life motto is simple: get in, get off, get out. His lifestyle works for him, that is until he finds himself in an unexpected situation with the one girl he can't seem to get out of his mind.

Teeny has been strong for too long. One amazing crazy night, with her best friend's cocky colleague, leaves her with more than just unwanted feelings and cravings she just can’t seem to quench.

She's knocked up.

He's freaked out. 

Life is about to get crazy for two people who can't stand to be close, yet can't seem to pull apart. Tension and confusion turn into mood swings and midnight snacks. How can things ever go back to simple times when every direction leads to chaos?

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Twenty minutes late and running out of patience I reached in quickly undid her belt and picked her up, ignoring her squeal of surprise I pulled her purposefully flush against me one hand full of lush ass the other on her hip.

Lowering my head to her neck I took a deep breath in, catching the soft vanilla scent of her blonde hair taking as much as I could get I gently bit her earlobe then ran my lips over the same spot.

“Don’t push me, Princess. I’m clear out of give a fucks and my dick's so hard it could hammer nails. Move that sweet ass before I bend it over and fuck it into oblivion” I growled in her ear driving the point home with a quick swat to her ass.

Making sure her feet were on the ground I let go and stalked for the house adjusting my now very tight in the crotch jeans. I also didn’t miss the soft moan from Teeny before she cleared her throat and mumbled something about assholes and penis trucks then stomped up the sidewalk.

Review by Wendy

Conflicted Love ****Revised Review****

3 Baby Daddy Stars * * * plus one more for the Author *

Sometimes I will read something, get a general impression and want to share that with all of you. If I am smart, I usually give myself a little time to see what type of impact the story has on me; then share my thoughts and feelings.

With this book, I really didn't give enough time to see where it would take me; and because of that, I am revising my review.
I was most taken by Trip in this book and since he was the main reason for my connection, I gave him my 3 baby daddy stars. But after finishing my review, other thoughts from Conflicted Love filtered into my head. Thoughts about what the author had done to make me interested in these characters; ways she had them think and then act... so since I couldn't get clear of these moments... I had to realize I sold this book short. Thus the revied review. What follows below is the original review with the additional thoughts about the author and writing.

Because I always promise you an honest review... and now you really have one.

At the end of Tattered Love, we saw Mace and Scar working on their HEA... but were left with the reveal of what was to happen next for Trip and Teeny.

Their one night of drunken hot steamy can't get enough sex... left a little surprise... and Teeny is trying to figure out what to do about it. In the worst way to learn you are a baby daddy, Trip stumbles onto the knowledge that the guy he wants to take to task for doing this to Teeny .... is him.

Now Trip doesn't handle hearing this news in the best of ways... saying everything a gal does not want to hear... as he really was taken by surprise. And Teeny is just lost... she has had the hots for Trip and has always liked him... but because of her life experience, she is afraid she will never measure up as a mom or girlfriend. She looks at Trip as the man-whore she knows and does not see any kind of future with him.

This book had its' moments. Trip became a beloved figure for me. When he realized all that was happening and his overwhelming desire to be the dad he always wanted... he stepped up and never stopped. He was sincere, caring and willing to do whatever it took to make Teeny comfortable and happy.
And brother..... it took a lot.
Teeny was a handful... I really have to say... didn't really dig her. When you have a guy like Trip, falling all over himself, showing how willing he is to do whatever for you... then why play all kinds of games?

My three stars all go to Trip and his family. They were there to support him and all the love they gave the two was perfect.

***I would like to add the extra star for the writing. This author has flair, humor and a way to make these situations real. Although I was not a huge fan of Teeny, I understood why she first felt the way she did regarding motherhood and relationships. We were able to see these two grow as people through their POV’s and that is always a delight for me. She brought a vision and voice to these characters which rang true and so many times when reading… it can just falls short. I do like her voice and hope to see what happens next from her.

I don't know if another book will be happening for this troop... it ended on a positive note. If you read Tattered Love, then you really should read this. It is worth the effort to see the growth in Trip, his brother Mace and Scar.

Arc provided in exchange for an honest review.

Needle's Kiss Series
by Lola Stark

Book #1 
Tattered Love


When ex-Special Ops bad-ass Mace walks into Needle's Kiss tattoo parlour, he never expected to find the girl who would turn his life upside down.

Hard as nails Scarlett has been unlucky in love: she’s been burnt, chewed up and spat out. Reluctant to have another relationship, can she keep her wits about her when hot-as-sin Mace walks into her tattoo parlor? Or will he break her down and leave his mark within her ink?

What starts out as a little fun, turns into something so much more.

Can Scarlett look beyond Mace's devastating past or will his demons come back to haunt them both?

Content warning: contains steamy, anywhere-goes sex, an alcohol induced embarrassing night out and two headstrong lovers taken on a whirlwind of crazy.

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Conflicted Love Playlist

About the Author

Lola Stark lives in Australia. Is an at home mummy with no filter raising a hoard of minions and a husband who sometimes appears not to have grown up. Lola has loved to read for as long as she can remember. When not wrangling the family she can be found sitting at her computer , writing, facebooking or just generally messing around.

Connect with Lola Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter


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