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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Review - Private Message (Private #1) - Danielle Torella

A Review by Carol

Book – Private Message (Private #1)
Author – Danielle Torella
Publication Date – May 27, 2013
Type – Part of Series (Cliffhanger)
Genre – Romance
Rating – 3 out of 5 Stars

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.


Tess has never had sex. Believe it or not, she’s never had a decent kiss.

The aspiring Seattle painter and photographer is still recovering from the trauma of being beaten and nearly raped at a rock show nearly three years before. So she keeps life simple: she goes to school, goes to work in a coffee shop, goes home, goes on living.

But then Ben’s naked body crashes—almost literally—through Tess’s wall against the world.

Ben is doing his dad’s art-teacher girlfriend a favor when he agrees to pose nude for her drawing class. But what he draws is the interest of the irresistible punk-looking girl—and it’s interest he reciprocates, with interest.

Their sexual chemistry is too much to resist. But it’s when they have their clothes on that their heat quickly slips on ice. Ben’s womanizing history is one thing, but it’s history of another kind—related to that fateful night at the rock show—that threatens to tear the young lovers apart forever.

Reading Order


I received a copy of this book since I am reviewing the 2nd book in this series and I do have to say – I loved the synopsis and story line of the book but the “guts”…..ahhh – I just liked. 

It could have been that there was part of the book and what our heroine did and thought really irked me.  She put so much emphasis on a stranger just dropping her off at the hospital instead of staying with her to make sure she was not alone.  Now…..HELLO???  Seriously?  Like he just didn’t beat the shit out of the guy who was trying to rape you….search you out under a mosh pit to carry you to safety and then drive you to the hospital to make sure you were in good hands before he left?  I would fucking be kissing his feet for being such a hero!!  Where were all the other people at the concert while this was happening?  Did anyone else step forward to try and help you?  I didn’t think so….so go take your whiny ass….be a tree and leaf!

So….*whew…..OK….let me get back to my review…..Like I said – I liked the book – I loved the storyline…it was pretty ingenious having a bar where “texting” for hook-ups is the norm.  I do have to give props to the author for this being her debut book and like many other authors who get comfortable after a bit with writing….that leaves me with “waiting in anticipation” to read her next book in the series.


Tess is an art student who keeps mainly to herself….One night after being late to art class and only getting a back view shot of the naked male model, she decides to unwind with a drink….she ends up at a bar that seems pretty strange.  Everyone is on their cell phones texting it up.  In bounces Erin (literally) to explain the situation to Tess and they become friends instantly….two opposites attract.  Erin explains the rules and especially about a mysterious womanizer who always sits in the back corner and NEVER EVER private messages….but it doesn’t stop him from leaving with a different woman each night.

Tess is mesmerized by him “Big Ben” (yeah conceited much?) and to her surprise when she gets home that night….low and behold…..there is a private message on her phone from the bar account….and who do you think it is?  I’m not going to insult your intelligence and answer that question.
Cause here’s the next one…..the next time Tess goes to her art class and gets there early in order to get a front seat for the naked male model….who do you think this raven haired beauty is?  Yup….you guessed it again!

Well, now that fate has taken a hand in Tess and Ben’s love life….sparks will fly (oh did I mention that Tess is a virgin?)  Also, Tess has been in love with her "Book Boyfriends" and never a "real" guy.

Wrap Up

Parts are predictable and parts made me slam my head into the wall…but overall it was a cute and likable story.  Again, I want to stress that this is a debut novel ----- I am anticipating to see how this author matured in her writing.

About the Author

Hi! I am Danielle live in Western New York with my husband and two sons. I never knew I had a dream to become a writer until I started becoming obsessed with reading in the last two years. The obsession began with Twilight and then matured to Fifty Shades. While used to reading mainstream best sellers, found a new love for indie authors. I love to do paintings related to the books I read and eventually turning into Pushy Girl Paintings and now do work for other indie writers and readers. My first book idea started from a dream I had one night and became obsessed with the story and started writing. Now having arguments with the people in my head and loving every moment of it, even when they take control of the story. 

Author Links

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