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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Review - Deeper (Caroline and West #1) - Robin York

A Review By Wendy


*****5 Stunning, Important, Real, 
Thought-Provoking Stars * * * * *


In this New Adult debut by Robin York, a college student is attacked online and must restore her name—and stay clear of a guy who’s wrong for her, but feels so right.
When Caroline Piasecki’s ex-boyfriend posts their sex pictures on the Internet, it destroys her reputation as a nice college girl. Suddenly her once-promising future doesn’t look so bright. Caroline tries to make the pictures disappear, hoping time will bury her shame. Then a guy she barely knows rises to her defense and punches her ex to the ground.

West Leavitt is the last person Caroline needs in her life. Everyone knows he’s shady. Still, Caroline is drawn to his confidence and swagger—even after promising her dad she’ll keep her distance. On late, sleepless nights, Caroline starts wandering into the bakery where West works.

They hang out, they talk, they listen. Though Caroline and West tell each other they’re “just friends,” their feelings intensify until it becomes impossible to pretend. The more complicated her relationship with West gets, the harder Caroline has to struggle to discover what she wants for herself—and the easier it becomes to find the courage she needs to fight back against the people who would judge her.

When all seems lost, sometimes the only place to go is deeper.

Advance praise for Deeper

“The perfect new adult story . . . West will make you swoon!”New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy

“Beautifully written and full of swoony tender moments, toe-curling chemistry, and delicious, twisty angst . . . Stop whatever you’re doing and read this book.”—Christina Lauren, author of the Beautiful Bastard series


This book took me by surprise. I am still sitting here with my eyes teary and heart full. You should be aware of the excellent writing Robin York has done with multiple subjects.

She has addressed betrayal by those you trust as women come of age; she has addressed the insecurity we as women feel wanting to be loved and approved of; and she has taken us on a journey of true love for the first time between characters that feels so real, my heart aches.

So since I was so touched by this author, I decided to write to her and the outcome really turned into my review:


I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much your book impacted me. I had not read anything by you before and most of the time NA can sometimes be too whiny, angsty or non communicative for me.
I discovered your book on Netgalley and was very pleased to be approved to read it. The blurb sounded interesting and I thought it would be a decent read.

From the minute I started reading, you had me. I was familiar with all of the news of young girls who have been victims ex-boyfriends doing those type of cyber actions. I remembered seeing on the morning talk shows raw young girls sitting next to their mothers or attorneys talking about this type of abuse. I also remember thanking God, I never had to deal with anything like that because when I was their age, we did not have the internet or camera phones, etc.

But we did have the warnings I had used raising my sons of... don't do anything you don't want on the front page of the New York Times.

Well, we as people and especially as young women trust and believe. We believe the boys/men we first share with will be good; they will be men who will understand when things may change and we grow and wish to move on... but as your book so masterfully showed... these things do not always happen and it is always the girl/woman who get's blame and shame...

So with all of the understanding I had about the subject- you just took me there and then gave me the most complex beautiful love story to go with it. The depth of characters of West and Caroline were breathtaking. You made them so real and understandable. You made all of the secondary characters part of the equation and not just scenery. You made me be in the bakery and smell the scent of fresh bread coming out of the oven. And most importantly, I felt the thrill, angst and passion of first love and all that it means to someone... risking their heart... risking their embarrassment... risking everything they think they should hold on to... to fly and feel that rush of connecting and loving.

So by writing you this fan letter... I guess I just wrote my upcoming review for your book.

Thank you for being who you are; what you believe in and for sharing it with us readers through your work,

Ms. York was kind enough to respond and another book in coming... I will watch for it with hope in my heart.

Arc Provided by Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Bantam Dell in exchange for my honest review

Purchase Your Copy Here

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