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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Review - VIP - M. Robinson

A Review By Jenna 

3 Semi Slow Moving Stars

This review may contain some small spoilers. Do NOT read if you are worried about me ruining the book for you!!!

Review in...

Hummm... I'll be honest, I am not sure what to rate this book. I actually enjoyed the last 45% of the book but not the 1st 55%. The 1st 55% or so was extremely slow to me. I actually put it down for a few days because it was making me so mad. I am not one to care if there is a love triangle going on or if there may be a bit of threesome action. Either way it doesn't bother me. What made me mad was that Sebastian had a fantastic life and in my opinion he RUINED it. I mean who could ask for more than a beautiful, fantastic wife and wonderful child? Apparently this guy could. He is an idiot in my opinion. Aright enough of that. The book is said to be about 700 pages or so depending on what devise you are reading on. To me, the book could quite possibly be cut down my half or so. I love a good long read as long as the whole book flows well, this one did not in my opinion. In a WAY it did because it was well written BUT, just very slow going as I said before. 

If you enjoyed the book then I am very happy for you. I do think the author wrote the book well. I don't believe that I will be reading the 2nd book though. The ending to this one was good enough for me. 

I will give this book a 3.5 star review after thinking things through a bit. I wish the author huge luck with this book and with her next books.

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