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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Knock Out (Worth the Fight #1) - Michele Mannon

A Review by Carol

Book – Knock Out (Worth the Fight #1)
Author – Michele Mannon
Publication Date - December 2, 2013
Type – Stand-Alone Series (???)
Genre – Romance, MMA
Rating – 3.5? 4? out of 5 Stars


Logan Rettino never imagined she'd fall so far. Dropped by her ex on national TV, she's gone from prima ballerina to ring card girl, reduced to revving up the crowds before MMA bouts. However distasteful she finds her new job, it pays well…and she needs the money if she's ever going to rebuild her life. Promised a huge bonus if she can convince a brooding, gifted welterweight to keep fighting, she'll do whatever it takes to earn his trust.

Keane O'Shea is unbeatable in the octagon. A former marine, he fights with a ruthlessness no gym jockey can match. He knows his brutal strength is too much for the delicate ex-ballerina, regardless of how fascinating he finds Logan's tight dancer's body. But one private performance and he's drawn to her in a way he can't—or won't—resist.

As Logan discovers the heartbreaking truth that lies beneath this handsome warrior's rage, she'll need to forfeit everything she thought mattered for the one thing that matters the most: saving Keane from himself.


I’m still in the air whether this book was a 3.5 or a 4 rating.  I got a bit annoyed over Logan and how much her “fall” impacted her decisions and the storyline.  Keane was another story though – I understood his indecision on starting a relationship with Logan but there were times, I just wanted to smack him upside his head. 

Yeah, there have been many books about an ex-soldier struggling with PTSD and taking his inner demons out in the ring, but there was something a bit different with this story.  We were able to watch Keane and Logan use each other in order to overcome their insecurities. 

This story is told from both POV’s so we get an idea of what is going on in Keane’s head along with Logan’s.  I loved how Keane would one minute tell Logan they couldn’t do “this” but then in the next he was tearing her clothes off along with thinking sweet things in his head. 


We start out with Logan beginning a new job as a ring card girl.  This is the only good paying gig she could get after her devastating fall on national TV which impaired her ankle so bad that she would never dance professionally again.  The only other dream she wants is to open her own dance school.  Well, that is until she literally falls into Keane before a fight.

Keane suffers from PTSD and guilt over his best friend.  He doesn’t sleep at night and is plagued with nightmares.  He tries to drink, fuck, medicate and fight his way through the demons he carries on his shoulders and in his heart.
Logan needs Keane to fight – Keane doesn’t want to – Logan determined to keep her job diligently plagues Keane into agreeing to fight.  She’ll help him kick his bad habits with natural remedies while he fights through the championship, on one condition, NO SEX.  How long do you think that lasts? – sex is great but it’s just feelings attached to it – Ok? Do you think that’s gonna hold? 

Wrap Up

Read about how Logan breaks through Keane’s shell to expose his black heart and get it beating again, but will it last?

About this Author

Author Michele Mannon is a huge fan of skinny cinnamon dolce lattes, a good book, and/or sports game on television. Michele can be found in her writer’s cave, tweeting, and spending time outdoors with her family. 

KNOCK OUT is her first MMA sports romance in the series WORTH THE FIGHT, coming soon from Carina Press.

Michele loves hearing from readers! Please visit Michele at / Tweet @MicheleMannon / Facebook Page

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