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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Wendy - Wallbanger (Cocktail #1) - Alice Clayton

A Review By Wendy
4 Simon Baker-The Mentalist, Flirty, Banter, Baked Goods Stars ****

Dear Ms. Clayton,

I am writing to you as I know you have a close personal relationship with Simon, Caroline and their posse. I wanted to first congratulate you on excellent taste. You telling us about these people in the way that you did, just brightened up my day. It was such a change to see grown up, evolved professionals behave as friends, looking out for one another and interacting in a respectful manner. That they weren't perfect little angels or bad ass bikers but real relate-able souls struck a chord in me.

Which brings me to the reason why I am writing to you:

I have some things I wish to tell Simon personally and I think you are the only way to do that …. So here it goes….


You don’t know me… but as crazy as it is… I know you.
I know all about your photographic career, which by the way, is wonderfully creative and reveals more about you than you may realize. It shows how you recognize all the beauty this world has to offer and your acceptance and willingness to share it with us.

I know you have strong bonds with Benjamin, who took you under his wing when life dealt you the worst of blows, and a core group of friends. Your taking time to nurture these relationships shows that even with the fear of losing people you have loved… you are willing to give of yourself in some capacity which means when you find the one… it will happen.

And oh, I am so thrilled it seems to be happening for you, Simon. Because, although I understood exactly the rotation of “friends” you had and why you had this set up, protecting yourself and all… I did see an inkling of you moving towards wanting more….
So here you now are with this interaction with Caroline… and I am really excited to see how this goes…
You seem to love pushing her buttons, texting with her and teasing… I think this tactic will work… and you may feel a little uneasy with feelings which will begin to surface… but don’t let that scare you away…
And her baking for you all the time… just so you know… a really great indication of her liking you even though she may not say it out right….
So you just keep being the flirty, charming and oh, so sexy guy you are...

Ok, Stop… Right There… Yes, You Simon… don’t you look all shy because I said that… you know you are amazing with the women….knowing exactly what you are doing when you do it… so don’t get all bashful or embarrassed…

Good… we are now on the same page…so what I just want to finish saying is stay the course… continue to woo Ms. Caroline… don’t let her get away with any lying or hiding… because between you and me… she seems to be having a particular situation happening which is making her especially cranky with herself and others…and she is worth the effort.

So all I want is for you to be happy in your life… be open to what may take place in the future if you let it… and from my point of view… I think you need to keep on following your instincts with Caroline….after all… what have you got to lose… the two of you seem to be friends and all that zucchini bread you love at your disposal… seems like win-win and possibly love… to me.
Yours Truly... a huge Simon Fan

So, thank you Ms. Clayton… and I will continue to watch for any other reveals you may share with us in the future because I love the people you hang out with…. Oh, you thought I forgot Clive?
I didn’t forget… but you see my love for Clive… that falls into another category all together. 

About this author

Alice Clayton is a novelist with an unholy love for her KitchenAid mixer. Making her home in St Louis, she enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up afterwards, and is trying desperately to get her long time boyfriend to make her an honest woman. Hi sweetie!!

After working for years in the cosmetics industry as a makeup artist, esthetician, and national educator for a major cosmetics company, Alice picked up a pen (read laptop) for the first time at 33 to begin a new career, writer. Combining her love of storytelling with a sense of silly, she was shocked and awed to be nominated for a Goodreads Author award in 2010 for her debut novels, The Redhead Series.

Alice has penned three novels, The Unidentified Redhead,The Redhead Revealed, and Wallbanger.

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