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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Try (Temptation #1) - Ella Frank

A Review by Carol

Book: Try (Temptation #1)

Author: Ella Frank

Publication Date:  November 12, 2013

Type: Series (Must read in order)

Genre: M/M, Erotica, Romance

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


Try – verb: to make an attempt or effort to do something or in this case…someone.

Sex. Logan Mitchell loves it, and ever since he realized his raw sexual appeal at a young age, he has had no problem using it to his advantage. Men and women alike fall into his bed—after all, Logan is not one to discriminate. He lives by one motto—if something interests you, why not just take a chance and try?

And he wants to try Tate Morrison.

Just coming out of a four-year marriage with an ex-wife from hell, a relationship is the last thing on Tate’s mind. He’s starting fresh and trying to get back on his feet with a new job at an upscale bar in downtown Chicago.

The only problem is, Tate has caught the unwavering and unwelcome attention of Mr. Logan Mitchell – a regular at the bar and a man who always gets what he wants.

Night after night Tate fends off the persistent advances of the undeniably charismatic man, but after an explosive moment in the bar, all bets are off as he finds his body stirring with a different desire than his mind.

As arrogance, stubbornness and sexual tension sizzles between the two, it threatens to change the very course of their lives.

Logan doesn’t do relationships. Tate doesn’t do men. But what would happen if they both just gave in and…tried?

Reading Order

Try (Temptation #1)
Take (Temptation #2) - Story Continues


This was just my second M/M book and I loved it!! Yeah, the sex was hot and steamy but there was more - it was a love story.  It was also a story of coming to terms with one's sexuality and another one's fear of relationships/love.

These two guys stole my heart and I laughed along with them, felt the heat and lived through the torture and battles of the mind/heart.

The story was raw and the heroes were tortured souls who didn't know they were searching for each other to fill that void in each other's lives.

Logan is an arrogant ass who stays as far away from relationships as possible.  He doesn't care who he has sex with with - only that he's getting his rocks off.  

While Tate feels that he is as straight as can be and just coming out of a terrible marriage.  He doesn't know how to handle Logan's advances with him and is confused because he does enjoy the flirting.  The more Tate pulls away....the harder Logan goes after his prey.  To Logan this just starts as a conquest but it becomes so much more than that.  Logan continues to keep his distance emotionally but wants nothing more than to possess Tate.

Tate continues to fight his growing attraction to Logan - he gives a bit but then backs up and tries to fight it.  We go through jealousy, heart-ache, hurt feelings and everything a hetero relationship goes through.....The love and raw emotions between Logan and Tate made my heart bleed with feeling.

Then Logan must make a decision in order to keep Tate and it goes against everything he has lived for in his life......

Wrap Up

I loved living through Logan and Tate - there was so much emotion and it was an eye-opening experience for me to delve into Tate's psyche regarding falling in love with a man.

If you are a die hard M/M you will love this book - and if you are a M/M virgin...this is a great book to start out with because just as you are a is Tate!

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