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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Theirs to Play (Billionaire Games #1) - Kenya Wright

A Review by Carol

Book - Theirs to Play (Billionaire Games #1)
Author - Kenya Wright
Publication Date - November 22, 2013
Type - Part of Series (Must read in order)
Genre - Romance, Erotica
Rating - 4 1/2 out of 5 Stars


Two billionaire brothers enjoy twisted games where women are the sport. They find a female, date her, and compete to see who can bed her first.
Too bad they picked the wrong one this time. Dawn's too smart for their verbal play and too quick to get trapped by clever ploys.

The more the brothers work to capture her heart, the more they discover she might not be theirs to play.

Book Trailer


OMG...have you ever read a book where the story captures you to a point where you just want to be that heroine in the story so bad? I mean so bad that you look at your significant other and say to yourself....."WTF am I doing here?"

I want to be Dawn - oh hell yeah!! My God.....I was so engrossed in this book that I shut myself out from everything else and just read and read....but you ask me...."then why only 4 1/2 stars?" I'll tell you is because of the ending - why oh why am I left with a cliff-hanger? I want more of Freddy, Max and Dawn - I want to know what happens?

I was so upset after finishing that I just had to email Kenya to rant and rave about the next book in the series ---- Hahahaaa....yeah that's so me!

This story line is not one that I have read before and that was a nice change to the cookie cutter books out there. This is about two brothers who have nothing better to do than betting on "who can sleep with her first".....yeah, I know you are saying to yourself "that's been done before" - and yes it has...but not like this or not like any book I have read in the past.

Dawn has had a very bad past experience with a rich man and is very cynical and untrusting of Max and Freddy when they approach her on the beach and start flirting with her. Dawn sees right through them and how shallow they really but she agrees to have dinner with them.

It is at dinner that Max decides to throw Freddy for a loop and blurts out the truth of why they asked Dawn to dinner - they have a current bet of who she will have sex with first. Dawn is attracted sexually to these two but knows that the shields around her heart are intact and finds amusement in having these two court her.

It is the men who are then flabbergasted when they find out that Dawn is nothing like their past conquests and heart-felt feelings start to bloosm in the men.

Will Dawn feel the same way? Who will she choose to have sex with, if any? Will she break her shields? Which faults will she uncover in these men and have them deal with it?

Wrap Up

This story grabs you from the moment you pick that book up to the very end. There aren't many erotic moments in this book but I believe it's building up to the next book in the series.....but you know what?  That didn't matter to me because it was the story that got me...I loved reading about Dawn - she is my HERO!!

You HAVE to read about this cynical - strong woman!

Definitely worth picking this book up and taking a journey in Miami with Dawn, Max and Freddy!

Excerpt (Dawn POV)

When dealing with these two sexist pigs, I’d hoped to channel some great feminist in the history of women. Someone like Joan of Arc or Virginia Woolf. Sure it seemed a bit much, but this game that I volunteered for was more than us three. This was about lashing back at the theorized alpha male who thought he could do or say anything he wanted just because he had good looks, money, and the stupidity of a swollen ego.

When I walked up the boat’s ramp, I was supposed to appear regal and powerful, courageous and deadly like a lioness. Instead, with all the pretty butterflies swarming around me and stirring up my hair, I looked like a goddamn Disney princess.
And just to add insult to injury, Frederick appeared behind me. “You’re more captivating than Cinderella, right now.”

Fury boiled in my veins. I was hot and ready to bubble over. “Well I’m not Cinderella and you’re no Prince Charming.”

On the center of the ramp, he stepped closer to me. I refused to inch back like a scared little damsel in distress.

But, I probably should have moved away.

Frederick’s masculinity encircled me. It was such a silly thing to think, but it did. His woodsy cologne trapped me to him. The profile of muscles under his thin white shirt kept my focus. The wind picked up as if under his command, raising my dress just a little and brushing soft wisps against my flesh. I shivered.

“Oh no,” he whispered to me like a lover to his devoted. “I’m not Prince Charming. I’m the bad guy that sneaks into the castle when Prince Charming is off singing songs in the woods. I’m the one with the big cock that bends needy Cinderella over. And I’m the one that makes her scream until her throat’s raw and she can’t sing a note.”

“I had no idea Cinderella got so much action.” I slipped away and hurried up the ramp, doing my best to outrun the butterflies and Frederick, who I was now going to call the Big Bad Wolf.

About this Author

Kenya Wright always knew she would be famous since the ripe old age of six when she sang the Michael Jackson thriller song in her bathroom mirror. She has tried her hand at many things from enlisting in the Navy for six years as a Persian-Farsi linguist to being a nude model at an art university.

However, writing has been the only constant love in her life. Will she succeed? Of course.
For she has been coined The Urban Fantasy Queen, the Super Iconic Writer of this Age, The Lyrical Genius of Our Generation. Granted, these are all terms coined by her, within the private walls of her bathroom as she still sings the Michael Jackson thriller song.

Kenya Wright currently resides in Miami with her three amazing, overactive children, a supportive, gorgeous husband, and three cool black cats that refuse to stop sleeping on Kenya’s head at night.

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