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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Review by Wendy ♥ Duke of Manhattan by Louise Bay

A Review by Wendy
4.5 Understanding When It's Real Stars
* * * * 1/2 
Spoiler Free

Oh, this was good.....No, Really this was fantastically good. Louise Bay has nailed sexy, caring, sweet without the man knowing he is... and everything else that could make you swoon. You will fall hard for these two characters because they are evenly matched...

In Business ...
And in Bed!

This has all the making from the start of another marriage of convenience tale... with all the touchstones of how they go...
There are layers and layers of more...

You have a woman divorced.... who thought her marriage had been working...only to hear from her husband "she was boring...complaisant".. but not in the good way... Told her she would never "put herself out there... risk anything or have an adventure..."

Well, Scarlett was going to have none of that...She packed up her life from Connecticut and moved to New York City. She left her steady job in Finance and started her own Fragrance Company with her dear friend, Cecily. She devoted every waking hour to getting the business off the ground and they soon began to take off...

The company was doing so well, it grew too fast... causing the dilemma of having the start up loans being due whit all the profits needing to make more product not pay off the loans....A recipe for disaster for new, fast growing companies.

Ryder Westbury has made his own way in life. Although born to British Aristocracy, Ryder decided early, he wouldn't let it rule him. He and his sister had absentee parents; the ones who raised them were their grandparents. Both children grew up strong because of these extraordinary people... and they absorbed everything...manners, traditions and the ways of the wealthy but with none of the "airs".

Now Ole Time Aristocracy was not always fair...especially to women...and Ryder's family estate was tied up tight with conditions regarding who can inherit and how. Although the grandfather tried to change the rules of the trust... nothing could be done to allow Darcey, Ryder's sister, to be given the estate, even though she was the eldest, ran it for decades and loved it dearly.

Nope, the trust handed down from generation to generation was very clear...The Male Child would inherit but only if he was married....If not then it would be turned over to Ryder's sour, jealous cousin Fredrick and his scheming wife. The grandfather was ailing; he wanted Ryder to head up the family home... and due to a minor acquisition with the trust and Ryder's company, Ryder must decide if he is going to do something he never intended...

Ryder must marry to save everything he has worked for...
Ryder must marry to make sure his sister is able to have the life she has devoted herself to...the one she deserves.

But there is just one problem...
Who in the hell is he going to marry...He can't marry any of the women who would want to marry him... they want his title, status wealth and heart...

As Ryder is contemplating his horrific quandary over strong drinks at the bar, Scarlett is being harassed by her sister Violet. Violet is telling Scarlett to get her ass out there and just have a one night stand... to purge the idea of Relationship Sex and have some good old fashioned Dirty Sex.
Because Scarlett has been having a terrible time relating to anyone she has dated "that way". She still has been stuck with the ideas from her ex that she was boring and predictable... and all of it was a shock as she thought her marriage was on the right track...

Not one to take all of this lying down, though, Scarlett asks Violet who she should approach if she were to approach a guy...and Violet has the perfect one... She points to Ryder at the end of the bar.

Scarlett approaches... goes to the bar for "drinks for the table" and somehow as rusty as she is...Ryder and her start flirting. She cannot believe it...Flustered and a little proud of herself... she stumbles back to Violet's table...As she relays what happened and how sexy and hot the guy was, etc... Scarlett hears Ryder respond right behind her that she was the one who was intriguing and sexy!

Well, Violet scrams out of there...leaving these two to banter some more... and Scarlett let's it be known she is "up to the challenge" and says let's go...

Now we all know the Sex was off the charts... and it was something more than a quickie, cleansing one night stand...It was Earth Shattering for the both of them... (Yup, Readers... IT WAS!)

In the AM she is gone...Ryder is a bit disappointed...and both have businesses meetings scheduled.

His is to close the deal with a company he and his partner want to acquire. The owners have their backs to wall and need to make a deal but they want to stay with the company and be involved. Ryder doesn't work that way. He plans on sweetening the deal with cash...but no seats on the board.

Scarlett and Cecily need to find a way to infuse cash to their company... they have loans due and if they cannot get a handle on this... the successful company they started will fail. Cecily has been handling all of the negotiations and Scarlett thinks she is being over-powered and ready to cave to the best offer... one that has no seats on the board. They lose their holdings and become employees.
Scarlett has birthed this company after being told she wasn't adventurous...that she would never do more than count other people's finances...She would not allow anyone to take this away from her and Cecily....

Scarlett attends the meeting instead of Cecily and there plain as day is Ryder across the table.
How is she supposed to negotiate with him... he saw her naked and gave her multiple dirty orgasms.

Both are professional in front of the others involved but no deal is made.
Both cannot stop thinking about each other naked and in the sheets...
And then it dawns of Ryder what the deal should be...

He has what she needs-
She is who he wants to be his marriage of convenience...
A Win-Win for both...
People this could have been run of the mill...BUT it was spectacular for me.

Ryder was a fish out of water not knowing anything about relationships or real love for another other than family for his grandparents and sister...
Scarlett had experienced relationship love... she had loved her ex-husband... and was shattered when her marriage fell apart... she was afraid of what that type of pain felt like and never wanted to experience it again...

But these two together... the chemistry was off the charts and oh, so good.... and they both developed this special bond and friendship which sneaked up on them both...blooming into this rare thing called love.

Louise Bay can write...she writes sexy times, caring times and humorous times... What she doesn't write is Boring Times...This is a winning series and I want more.

 A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

8056592 USA Today bestselling author, Louise Bay writes sexy, contemporary romance novels - the kind she likes to read. Her books include the novels Faithful and Hopeful, The Empire State Series, Parisian Nights, Promised Nights, Indigo Nights and King of Wall Street. Each novel is stand-alone although there are some overlapping characters.
Ruined by bonk-busters and sexy mini-series of the eighties Louise loves all things sexy and romantic. There's not enough of it in real life so she disappears into the fictional worlds in books and films. Louise loves the rain, the West Wing, London, days when she doesn't have to wear make-up, being on her own, being with friends, elephants and champagne.

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