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Friday, February 5, 2016

Blog Tour/Review ♥ Redeeming Rhys by Mary E. Palmerin ♥ #giveaway $20 GC

Portrait of man with Halloween skull makeup

A Dark Novel
Author: Mary E. Palmerin
Publication Date: January 19, 2016

Are people born pure?

Is evil learned, or is it birthed into one's soul, like a fallen angel who was previously part of graciousness?

Rhys is decayed, black, and bad. He cut distortion out of his life years before, but he let her live; his only way to gain redemption once more.

As his sinful needs blanket him with dread, he seeks penance from the soul he saw as a second chance.

Is absolution too late for Rhys?

**Warning, dark scenes depicted heavily throughout this novel. Read the Author's disclaimer carefully before proceeding with this title.**



*****5 +++ Stars*****

I am amazed at Ms. Palmerin's writing and the thought process that goes behind each book she writes.

I do have to be honest and admit that I was a bit skeptical at first because it has been such a long time that I have read a psychological mind fuck book, but this blew me away.

The blurb is what caught me at first... Is evil learned, or is it birthed into one's soul... the age old question of NATURE or NURTURE that has plagued my mind for years. (I even did my thesis on it).

Twisted...that is the word I would use for this book. While reading, I wanted so bad to figure out what happened to make Rhys the way he was and kept turning each page anticipating the answers would lie there.

The ending? OMG...I honestly never saw that coming...UGH.

One word of caution though....NOT FOR THE WEAK!



About Mary E. Palmerin
International bestselling author of the Monster series. Writer of dark, taboo tales. Lover of tattoos, art, and a hopeless book junkie.

