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Friday, January 8, 2016

Sale Blitz ♥ Tell Me Something by Aubrey Bondurant ♥ #FREE

Title: Tell Me Something
Series: Something #1
Author: Aubrey Bondurant
Genre: Contemporary Romance
FREE Date: January 8, 2016

The sexual tension is palpable; the erotic path they’re on is inevitable.

Haylee Holloway has experienced more grief than a twenty-two year old should have to endure. When she moves to LA for a fresh start and takes a job as an assistant for an advertising company the last thing she expects is to have to step in last minute during a photo shoot as the model. Her bikini line and weight are suddenly open topics of discussion, and a client’s million dollar campaign is hanging in the balance. To cap it off, the multi-millionaire, gorgeous owner of the company shows up and takes charge.

Josh Singer, the owner of Gamble Advertising is private, intense, and hard to read. His voice is sexy, his eyes are smoldering and when he learns of Haylee’s goal to save money for law school, he makes her an offer she can’t refuse:
To move to New York City and work for him directly as his assistant.

Haylee’s dilemma: how does she travel the world with a hot boss whose voice alone conjures up an erotic fantasy and not completely make a fool of herself? Frustrated with Josh’s mixed signals, Haylee finally puts it all on the line. Blurring both their professional and personal lives can they keep things temporary as planned or will they both realize some things weren’t meant to end?

Full Length Standalone book with no cliffhanger. First book of the “Something Series”

Recommended for mature readers due to situations of language, and sexual content.



#2 Ask Me Something – for $2.99

I retrieved cash out of my purse and felt his eyes on me. Looking at his expression, I could tell he was amused that I was going to pay. “You’re driving me home and just gave me forty thousand dollars I didn’t have yesterday, the least I can do is treat you for a junk food dinner,” I insisted.
I had expected him to be stubborn, but instead he accepted my twenty, giving it to the teenage girl who could only stare dumbly.
Yeah I know how it feels honey, he is way out of both of our leagues.
As he handed me my change, I felt his hand on mine and thought it unfair that I be so affected while he was going through the normal motions.
“So, do you want to eat in the parking lot, go back to your place, or we can go to my hotel room?” He must have noticed my stunned look as he hastily added, “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded, I meant— You know what, why don’t we just pull over here?” He parked the car on the far side of the lot. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, Haylee.” His voice was quiet.
I was half torn between ripping into my cheeseburger and wanting to unbuckle his pants and devour him. I doubted either of those scenarios was in the business etiquette handbook.
“You aren’t. I knew what you were asking and considering traffic, I think eating here is preferable. I’m starving.”
He seemed to relax as we both dug into our burgers and I tried to remember my manners.
“Well what do you think?” I asked.
“It’s good. Is this your go-to place for dinner?”
“Ah, no, can’t keep my size six, still-too-fat-for-modeling figure, going out here every night.”
He chuckled thankfully, with an appreciation for my sarcasm.
“It’s more comfort food after a long hard day with no workout planned after. Slug food.”
He quirked a brow.
“You know, slugging on the couch after junk-induced food coma?”
He seemed to find that humorous. “When are you going to law school?”
Well, that was quite a change in subject. “I’m hoping next year in the fall.” I was feeling better by the minute as I started on my fries.
“Why are you waiting?”
He seemed sincerely interested but I really didn’t want to make it about money. This was a man who wouldn’t understand having to save up for something. “I had a lot going on right after graduation and I wanted to work for a year first.”
He frowned at my vague answer. “Do you like working for Warren?”
I stopped chewing and swallowed hard. Warren was a bully around the office and I wasn’t particularly fond of him. But Josh was his boss, and one of the traits I held dear was loyalty so I answered carefully. “He’s good at his job and well respected in the industry. He’s professional and works hard.”
Josh appeared disappointed by my response. “You do know that he wasn’t going to pay you for today, right?”
My breath caught. I had suspected that Josh had everything to do with the payday, but hearing the confirmation made me a little sick to my stomach. Warren hadn’t seemed appreciative of me stepping in at all. Knowing his personality, he probably thought of it as an extension of my job duties to fill in when requested.
“Mr. Singer, I’m not sure what you expect me to say. I’m not surprised if that is what you’re after. However I don’t think it is appropriate for me to discuss my feelings on the matter with his boss and the owner of the company.”
“I admire your loyalty, Haylee. Warren has been through five assistants in the last three years. I’m well aware of his reputation. But you’re right, he works hard for me and works harder for his clients so I can excuse his lack of soft skills most of the time. You started calling me Mr. Singer again by the way.”
My head was spinning. “All right, Josh.” I put emphasis on his first name. “Why did you ask me if I like working for Warren?”
“Well that leads me to what I wanted to discuss with you.”
My palms started to sweat. Isn’t this where in the book he proposed an affair or arrangement whereby I went back to his hotel room to see what exactly was under that suit?
“I want you to work for me.”
In my mind that sentence ended with as my personal sex slave, but in reality I realized he was proposing a real job. “Uh, what?” was my eloquent response.
“I want you to come to New York and work as my second assistant. Nigel has been with me a number of years and is the best in the business, however he has a personal situation currently that precludes him from traveling with me and he needs to be out of the office from time to time to address it. I would need you in New York most of the time, but then also to travel with me. Matter of fact, we would leave for Cancun on Wednesday.”
I was stunned. “I would move to New York?”
Hi, my name is Aubrey and I'm a working mom who loves to read, write and travel.

If you were to describe my writing style, I'd say it's "Adult Contemporary Erotic Romantic Comedy". How's that for a mouthful? Picture chick-lit with the sex scenes or "smutty chick lit" and there you have it! :-)

When I'm not working full time, or spending time with my family I'm on my keyboard typing away on my next story. I only wish there were more hours of the day!

I'm a former member of the military and passionate about veteran charities and giving back to the community. I love a big drooly dog, a fantastic margarita, and football.

The "Something Series" will consist of five books. The first one, Tell Me Something came out in June 2015. The second book, Ask Me Something came out in November 2015. Bet Me Something will be out in 2016.


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