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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Release Blitz/Review ♥ My Black Hole Heart by A. Giannoccaro ♥

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Title: MY BLACK HOLE HEART (Colour Series Book 3)
Author: A. Giannoccaro
Genre: Dark Romance
Publication Date: December 15, 2015


Three Crime Families
One Legacy
One Little Girl
Avery Spillane-Leahy the daughter of two killers, the criminal prodigy of the biggest kingpin in modern time. She is flawless, but only on the outside.

Loss, love and lust can crack even the toughest diamonds.

Inside she is a gaping hole, nothing that gets close is safe from her ruthless blade. She cares for no one, so that no one can wound her. She learned from what Rowan and Callum lost and became an empty vessel unable to be harmed by emotion.

One scorned brother, an old flame and an angel of death dare to come into her world. They will all leave again, some of them in coffins, but they will all go.

The question is what will be left of her?

When the Colours fade and the Grey Madness is gone she is left all alone, a Black Hole Heart with nothing left to lose.

“The root of all suffering is attachment.”

Review by Carla

4.5 Stars!!

Wow, this is one book which I won't soon forget. While I appreciate that it can be read as a standalone, I strongly suggest you read "Color My Ugly" and "Monochrome My Madness" first. I found myself constantly wanting to know more about the secondary characters. What happened to them in their past? Why do they behave the way they do? What makes them tick?...I will definitely be reading the other two books.....

. . . Yup, I'm hooked!!!

The story is centered around the heroine... Avery Spillane-Leahy is the only child of two ruthless killers. She's the criminal prodigy of the most powerful kingpin in modern times. Her outward appearance is flawless but on the inside she's not quite so perfect, (Which is why the heroine is a total bad ass, in my book!!). She doesn't do hearts and flowers..nor is she the love'em and leave'em type. Nah, she's more of a fuck them and kill them type of chick.

This heroine has so many different men in her life, Im slightly jealous and Intrigued!!!
You want to know more about them, don't you?

Mrs Giannoccaro spun a tale full of twist, turns, wtf moments, and Sizzling Hot Sex. This story had just the right amount of steam to make me a reader squirm a time or two...but not so many that it overshadows the main story.

Just a little FYI, I unintentionally read this book in one sitting so make sure you have a few hours to spare.


I am a killer. I have been since I was fifteen. My young girl hands curled around the handle of a knife as I filleted a man, his screams are etched into my mind forever. Sticky blood coated my fingers with every slice I made through his flesh. I knew long before that what life had in wait for me, so I never tried to change it. I was born a killer. I didn't choose it, it chose me. I have a black hole heart that beats nothing but the blood of others.

The saying goes - it takes a village to raise a child. My village was not pretty, they are dark dangerous and deadly. My father Rowan is an assassin. My mother was a murderer too. Both were born from murderous fathers. The other people in the village that raised me are just as bad. Callum, my uncle of sorts, is the kingpin of a criminal empire. He sells drugs, diamonds, weapons, people and death. There are others, none of them are anything other than evil. I am the heir to my father's murder mill, to Callum's empire and to this black hole heart that is filled with emptiness. My village is fucked up.

As a result, so am I. Nurture versus nature. My nature is screaming out for something else. I was nurtured to be a killing machine, the queen of a villainous empire and a ghost without a heart. I was nurtured into a beautiful monster, the Hummingbird. Now there's a fracture in my nature and I don't know what to do with it. I'm feeling things I have no right to feel.

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Colour My Ugly (Colour #1)

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A dark tale of love, pain and ultimately sacrifice.

Rowan was born to be a murderer, trained to do nothing but kill he spends his days hidden in plain sight waiting for the next life he gets to snuff out.

When the name that crosses his desk of death is one that he cannot possibly kill he makes a decision that will alter the course of both their lives forever.

Lauri has been dying at the hand of her husband for eight long years, his lust for revenge and need for her suffering have finally ended he wants her dead. Her body is broken, scarred and ugly, but it’s her heart and mind that are beyond repair.

When she wakes up dead her whole world changes and she can finally begin living.

Will Rowan colour the ugly out of her life and can she do the same for him? Some people are simply not good but they can be good for each other.

Monochrome My Madness (Colour #2)
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“If you love something, kill it. Before it kills you.”
I am a villain, a monster and am here with a plan to execute. She is not part of my plan. She is poison and she is going to kill me.
I will let her, because my broken black heart beats with love for her.
~ Callum
Death follows me like a shadow creeping silently after me, tethered to my blackened soul. I am cursed to carry it with me everywhere I go. It is never far away from me, and I am perfectly happy with that. The dark shadow of death keeps me alive in this rotten fucking world.
Light through the grey shadow changes everything. It changes me.
He took my madness and broke me. I am going to kill him.
~ Shannon
Are you ready to love and let die with Callum and Shannon?

About the Author

Author of the Colour series, a dark romance.
“Our skin is clothing enough to cover what we hide inside.”


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