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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Release Blitz ♥ The Art of Stealing Hearts by Stella London ♥ #giveaway $10 GC @givemebooksblog

Title: The Art of Stealing Hearts
Series: Love and Art #1
Author: Stella London
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: September 30, 2015


“The bid is at five million dollars. Going once…” 

This morning, I was waiting tables and dreaming of an internship at San Francisco’s most famous auction house. Now I have my paddle in the air, bidding more money than I can imagine for a priceless painting – and all because of him. 

“Going twice…” 

Charles St. Clair is a famous British billionaire, and the most seductive man I’ve ever met. I can’t get him out of my head, and he’s not letting me get away. He’s offered the chance of a lifetime, all I need to do is say ‘yes’. 

“Sold, to the lady in the front row!” 

Things like this don’t happen to girls like me – or do they? All I know is, I’m going to enjoy the ride.

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Coming Soon

Author Bio

Stella London is a romance lover turned newbie author. After a childhood spent traveling in Europe, she now calls New York City her home - but still keeps a flame burning for those sexy foreign accents. She loves strong coffee, new shoes, and handsome men in a well-cut suit.

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