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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Review by Carol ♥ Kane's Hell by Elizabeth Finn ♥

Kane's Hell by Elizabeth Finn

Kane's Hell - Elizabeth Finn
Book – Kane’s Hell
Author – Elizabeth Finn
Publication Date – May 1, 2015
Genre – Romance
Type – Stand Alone 
Cliffhanger - No
Rating – 4.5 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary Copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Kane and Helene were the best of friends until a nightmare devastated them… Hopes were destroyed, dreams shattered, a budding teenage love torn to pieces. Eleven years later their lives are nothing like they once were. Time has changed them … and not for the better.

Helene is smart, driven, and accomplished—her education and achievements a smoke screen hiding the frigid and fragile child wounded long ago.

Kane is equally obsessed with his coping mechanisms—fighting … drinking … screwing … compulsively destroying himself one vice at a time.

When their paths collide again, their past becomes an obstacle no coping mechanism in the world can protect them from. But confronting the past so they can heal in the present is no easy task. Can Kane reach Helene and recapture what used to burn so warmly between them, or will his own self destructive demons pull her into his hell?

A woman determined to look forward. A man always looking back. A love desperate to be restored. 

“You’re the brightest, warmest star in my universe. You’ll never be less than everything to me.” 

My Thoughts - Story
It took me a bit to figure out how to rate and review this because so many things either pulled at my heartstrings or pissed me off.

Ms. Finn always has a way to incorporate questionable subjects and add them in a story to really make you think about your original morals and opinions on a debatable topic. She does it again with this story of Kane and Hell with a subject so controversial that I found myself changing my stance on it a few times.

But not only does she achieve a thought provoking story but she also adds in the philosophical aspect where different opinions are massaged into the underlying tale of Kane and Hell. I think this is the reason why I love Ms. Finn’s work so much – while you are reading and are completely engrossed in the story – you don’t even realize she is making you ponder certain touchy issues. She is subtle in her message and that takes a very experienced and talented writer.

The development of these characters is astounding and even though I guessed the secret, I still had doubts until the outcome was unveiled.

What do you come away with by the end of the book?
You get a short lesson on philosophy
You feel (whether it be sadness, joy, satisfaction, confusion, or any other)
Your brain cells are put to the test
You don’t feel like you wasted a day or two reading a cookie-cutter romance

Don’t read if…
You only like traditional love stories
You are prejudiced in your viewpoints and don’t like to be swayed
You don’t like to relate to the characters
You don’t like to feel so many emotions

Ms. Finn takes us on a journey from the past to the present in the POV of Kane and Hell – something happened in the past to these two that has them both leading a life of destruction or ignorance.

It’s been eleven years since that night and Kane is back in town after leaving Hell without any explanation. Is he back to make her life HELL or to reestablish their past feelings for each other? This time though, they are both different. They each have their own ways of dealing with what happened in the past but the layers they have built to protect themselves are nothing compared to the attraction they feel for each other.

As they both try to heal from the past with the help of each other, there are still secrets Kane holds that just very well may be their final downfall.

What? You thought I would reveal the story? The ending? Maybe the issue at hand?

Yeah right….read the book and find out for yourself.
Reason for Reading – Author request
Story Rating – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Steam Rating – 5 out of 5 Stars
Angst Rating – 5 out of 5 Stars
Writing Rating – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Content Flow Rating – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Told in – Dual POV
Hero – Kane – didn’t like him from time to time but ended up loving the hell out of him
Heroine – Helene (Hell) – she was a great character and an inspiration to all
HEA? - Yes
Would Read More from Author? Yes
Recommend To – Anyone who really likes to deal with issues in their reading – issues that really make you second-guess your original stance.

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