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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Release Blitz ♥ Angel Codes by Ami Blackwelder ♥

 Angel Codes
AngelFire Chronicles
Book 3
Ami Blackwelder
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Angel suspense
Publisher: Eloquent Enraptures Publishing
Date of Publication: March 14, 2015
Number of pages: 217
Word Count: 78,000
Cover Artist: Ami Blackwelder

Book Description:

After Kian is taken away from Ali, she and the other Angelfire must defend Manhattan on their own, while learning where Kian is and how to retrieve him.

Meanwhile, Kian is fighting his own internal and external demons deep within the cell of The Underground.

Will Ali and Kian finally find love or will Dumah destroy it all? Find out in the last book to the AngelFire Chronicles.

Available at Amazon

Get it free March 15, 16, and 17
 Other Books in the Series:

She Speaks to Angels
Dumah's Demons
Falling Angels
Angel Codes

About the Author:

Ami Blackwelder is a Paranormal and SciFi author. Her stories range from Tween & YA to Adult. Growing up in Florida, she graduated UCF and in 1997 received her BA in English and additional teaching credentials. Then she packed her bags and travelled overseas to teach in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. Thailand is considered her second home now.

She has always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, her novels began when she was in Thailand. Having won the Best Fiction Award from the University of Central Florida (Yes, The Blair Witch Project University), her short fiction From Joy We Come, Unto Joy We Return was published in the on campus literary magazine: Cypress Dome and remains to this day in University libraries around the USA.

Later, she achieved the semi-finals in a Laurel Hemingway contest and published a few poems in the Thailand’s Expat magazine, and an article in the Thailand’s People newspaper. Additionally, she has published poetry in the Korea’s AIM magazine, the American Poetic Monthly magazine and Twisted Dreams Magazine.

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