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Saturday, February 7, 2015

TIGHT by Alessandra Torre

A Review by Wendy
5 From Start to Finish Stars 
* * * * *

Last year a group of very talented writers decided to do a project together. Each brought an idea to the table and the Bend Anthology was born. Some wrote complete novellas; some introductions to new series and others put their ideas in stand alone shorts. All of the pieces were compelling, fresh and have led to more from works by the authors...

For Alessandra Torre, her submission was Still. She had the idea and explained she would be expanding on this first taste of these two characters, Brett and Riley in an upcoming full length novel.
All of what was in Still is in Tight. This was my review for Still and introduces our characters for Tight. This was my review for Still and introduces our characters for Tight:

Ms. Torre had the essence of something special there...a woman in a place in her life where the possibility...the maybe... intrigued her, shook up her world. She put this woman crossing paths with a man who was not looking for a Riley... not open to someone who made him feel and want... that was not his purpose or goal when meeting her that fateful evening.

Yet both of them allowed that singular moment to plant itself deep in their minds, in the place where it can call to us... and make us question everything...trips all the wires in our heads to follow those gut feelings and know if we don't, we will regret it for the rest of our days.

Ms. Torre takes us on a ride... a ride which activates our senses... we see through all the eyes, their visions... We hear the questions; debates of should I, why am I and I need it now from all of them and feel the results of the answers.

We also experience sexual encounters which have the Torre brand... These are not gratuitous; they are not thrown in because ... oh the couple needs to hook up now to add spice... Torre's people once connected thrive in the the the loving and intense. Their actions are organic to the scenes, personalities and emotions. The dialogue can sneak up on you and lay something profound in just a few words... or the musing of what just happened can become a turning point.  

We follow blindly not knowing  where all of this is leading ... but we don't care because we know where ever it goes... it will not be standard issue... It will be cunning with stark visions... easy to understand.. logical in thought... yet with the foundation it? Are things as they seem?

And most importantly, we examine what can make the difference... what can hold us together against all the odds...male, female ... it is all the same... the calling of inner strength to continue and believe.

This book fits very nicely with the past readings of Ms. Torre. If you have loved the style of her previous books then this is right in the pocket for you. If you have never read Ms. Torre before, then you are in for a treat. It will be like a gift within a gift... waiting for you to open all of it.

A gifted copy was provided by the author for an honest review.

I’m a traditionally published and indie author. With a focus on contemporary erotic romances and erotic suspense I write under the pen name Alessandra Torre (erotic romance) and A.R. Torre (erotic suspense).




Did you know? I have a Goodreads group, Shh… [Smut, heroes & HEAs…] with Alessandra, dedicated to my books, updates, and filled with exclusive giveaways! 

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