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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog Tour/Review ♥ Intoxicate by Tessa Teevan ♥ #giveaway $10 GC

INTOXICATE - tour Banner

Intoxicate, Book # 4 in the Explosive Series
Can be read as a standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Day: January 29, 2015



Marry me.

Two words Kalli Montgomery never expected to say out loud to Xavier Cruz, even though she's been in love with the sexy, single father for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, she hasn't just been friend-zoned for the past ten years. No, even worse, he's treated her like a little sister, no matter how hard she tried to prove she could be so much more. When she agrees to spend the summer as the caregiver for his daughter, Lily, she knows it's her last chance to finally make him take notice.

As unexpected circumstances threaten to disrupt his home life, Xavier's desperate to keep his family together. He'll do whatever it takes, even if it means marrying a woman he doesn't love. For Xavier and Lily, Kalli will do just about anything, even at the risk of getting her heart broken in the process.

Little does she know, sometimes love isn't quite as unrequited as one may think. Xavier sees her-he always has. And the vow he made all those years ago never to go there with his best friend's little sister is wavering, and it's wavering fast. When they come up with a plan that leads to wedding bells, it's a no brainer.

This marriage of convenience has one rule: absolutely no falling in love.

Easier said than done. Throw together a girl who believes rules are meant to be broken, and a man whose whole career revolves around following orders and you get a recipe for disaster. What could possibly go wrong?

Purchase the Book!

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A Review by Wendy

3.5 What Was Destined To Be Stars
 * * * 1/2

Tessa Teevan writes books which give us relatable people who have been involved in the Military and are part of warm loving families. We become invested in their trials, their joys and their relationships. When we do not have a book about them on our e-reader, we miss them... and anticipate when we can learn more with every new release.

This was the long awaited story of Kalli and Xavier. Kalli has been in love with him since she was 16 years old. He has been it for her. Over the years, it never changed. There were a couple of other things which never changed either....

A- Xavier is her older brother's best friend.

B- Xavier is older than Kalli by a few.

C- Did I mention, He is her older brother's best friend.

So, with those factors in play and Kalli being Kalli.... she would always make sure she had boyfriends over when Xavier was visiting... Did she care about the boys dying for a kiss or more from her... Hell No... They were props so that Xavier could see she wasn't kid sister material any more...

Did it work.... Well Yes... and No.

Yes- Because Xavier has always wanted Kalli but hid it as her older brother was his best friend.

Yes- Because she was a spitfire, sweet and so damn cute he couldn't take it.

No- Because he had NO IDEA she was only 16!

No- Because as she matured past 18, he was dying with jealousy he had to hide when around her with her Damn Boyfriends.

No- Because Kale, his best friend would kill him for the thoughts he had about Kalli.

So we have these two- both love each other.
Both really want to be together but only one of them actually understands their feelings about the other...

I offer you 3 guesses and the first two don't count- Yup- You are correct- Kalli- she knows she loves him... has waited 10 years for the chance to show him and now is her time. She is moving and working in the same city as Xavier and he is going to need her help.

Because there is an added element to this story; Xavier is a single dad. Yup, he has the most amazing daughter, Lilly, and he has been raising her primarily by himself. Oh, his mom has been there every step of the way....but Xavier has been the most devoted dad. 

From the first moment of her birth, all Xavier has done was think how everything would impact his daughter... and through the abandonment of her mother to the development of her from infancy to now a young girl of 10, Xavier has sacrificed for her. No multiple relationships for her to muddle through, no late nights out drinking and having fun like other men his age. He was wrapped up in his beautiful daughter with the support of his mom as back up for him and this was his life. 

But in this life, Kalli was always a factor... either babysitting Lily, playing with her or just being there ... part of the crew. Oh, and the crew could see what Xavier was blind to... That these two were meant to be together and eventually it would happen.

This book had all the trademark crafting of Teevan. The people were humane and caring. There was some angst and plenty of sizzle. The two characters were very hot together and mostly were enjoyable. I did have some issues, though, with a lot of the back and forth in their relationship. It became a bit trying for me even though all of the reasons were presented well.

Overall, it was a solid Teevan read, just not her best... for me. There is lots to adore; Xavier when he is wooing Kalli, Lilly is wonderful and the Grandmothers rock.

There will be more coming.... I am not sure as to which character from this group... but I do know I will have my e-reader posed and ready.

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.



Shooting a glare at him, I throw my hands up in exasperation. “Are you telling me that this whole anticipation thing is one-sided? Is it that easy for you to resist? I really need to step up my game.”

Xavier’s eyes fall to my lips for a quick moment before he looks back up at me. I see the desire in his expression, and without him even saying a word, I know he wants this, too. So why is he making me wait?

“You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now. How many times I’ve thought of doing just that. Every time you were curled up against me on the couch, I wanted to kiss you. Every morning when you showed up, I wanted to kiss you. Every time you said goodnight to Lily and then slipped out my door? I wanted to kiss you before you left. It’s not a new development. The first time I ever saw you, Kalli, I wanted to kiss you. And I’ve wanted to ever since.”

His admission floors me. He’s told me before that he “saw” me, but I had no clue it was from the very beginning. I’m not really sure how to process it. In fact, he beats me to the punch.

“So now you know. This will be just as hard for me, but it will be so damn worth it. Because when you’ve wanted something for as long as I’ve wanted you? It’ll be the best feeling in the world when I finally get it.”

“Our first kiss will be that epic?”

“A first kiss to rival them all,” he quips, grinning at me. He holds his arms out wide. “Now, we’ll start with a hug and work our way up.”

“I feel like I’m sixteen again,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist.

His hands come down to my back and he gives me a big squeeze, my head pressing against his firm chest. I love this feeling of being in his arms, him holding me close. There’s nowhere on the planet I’d rather be than right here with him. As much as I want him, I know he’s right. I don’t care when it comes. Because when it does, our first kiss will be unforgettable.

His chest rumbles as he chuckles. He squeezes me tight one last time before letting me go. “And it’s only just the beginning,” he tells me. “Have a good night, crazy girl.”

EXPLOSIVE - series

Author Bio

Tessa Teevan_Author Photo
I'm a twenty something book junkie who is also obsessed with sports. Bengals, Buckeyes, Reds are my teams! I work for the government during the day, hang out with Air National Guard on the weekends, and have been married to my own book boyfriend for over seven years. We currently live right outside of Dayton, OH with our two cats.

If I’m not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find me curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. I love my sports almost as much as I love my books. My other obsessions include red wine, hot men, country music, and all things Grace Potter.

Connect with the Author


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