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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blog Tour/Review ♥ The Traveling Man by Jane Harvey-Berrick ♥ #giveaway $5 GC + more

Title: The Traveling Man (Traveling, #1)
Author: Jane Harvey – Berrick
Release Date: January 27, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance



I was ordinary. Nice. He was extraordinary. And he wasn’t always nice.

Moody and difficult, brilliant and beautiful, Kes scared me and he protected me. He could be incredibly hurtful and incredibly thoughtful. He wasn’t perfect, but he was perfect for me. He challenged me, he took me out of my safe little box and showed me the world could be magnificent. He was everything I wasn’t.

Aimee Anderson is ten when the traveling carnival first comes to her nice little town. She doesn’t expect her world to change so completely. But meeting Kestrel Donohue puts her life on a different path.

Even though she only sees him for the two weeks of the year when he passes through her home town, his friendship is the most important of her life. As a child’s friendship grows to adult love, the choices become harder, and both Kes and Aimee realize that two weeks a year will never be enough.

Purchase The Traveling Man today!
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Review by April

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not everyone is excited for the travelling circus coming to town, but for 10 year old Aimee, the carnival promises a world filled with hopes & dreams, something that Aimee yearns for.

I was old enough to know that magic didn`t exist, and young enough to hope that I was wrong. I was sure that if magic belonged anywhere in the world, it was living and breathing right across the road.

Kes is an 11 year old carnie who hasn`t really been exposed to life outside the carnival, but to Aimee, he represents everything to do with magic.

They bond over the 2 weeks that the carnival is in town but as summer nears its end, it`s time for them to say good-bye.
I`ve never had a real friend before, I didn`t know I was missing anything.

I heard what he wasn`t saying, at least I think I did. I`ll miss you too.

Over the years, they only see each other for those two weeks, and when their friendship grows into an adult love; they both experience that love comes with some difficult real life choices.

If you`ve ever read anything by Ms. Berrick, then I don`t think you`ll be disappointed with this sweet beautiful story.

This is a story of friendship, love, acceptance, and following your heart regardless of the consequences.

I`ve been a fan of Ms. Berricks for a while now and will continue to read her work.

About the Author

I lived in London for over 10 years and have a love affair with New York. It's only since I have moved to the countryside, that the words have really begun to flow.

I live in a small village by the ocean and walk my little dog, Pip, every day. It’s on those beachside walks that I have all my best ideas.

Writing has become a way of life – and one that I love to share.

Connect with Jane


love p

1 comment :

  1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments :) I really appreciate them! jx
