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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Review - Follow by JA Huss

Review by Beverly

Follow (Social Media, #1)
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Vaughn Asher is a famous movie star, with a reputation for being a man whore. Grace Kinsella an event planner, she isn’t famous, she just a normal girl…with a dirty tweeter addiction.

These two people are living completely different lives, so how do the meet? Well, I am glad you asked. Grace wins a trip to St. Thomas, and is staying at the resort owned by Vaughn when they meet.

I loved this concept and cannot wait to see where things are going. So I will just be honest and reveal just how much of a book nerd I am, okay here goes. I joined Twitter at the recommendation of one of my besties, Amy. Amy was telling me about how the authors will interact with you, so me being a super book fan - I was all in. So I completely get the appeal of Twitter and getting to interact with people you usually wouldn’t interact with. That is why I loved this idea, its completely original.

I am looking forward to more dirty tweets, words, and acts from these two!

ARC kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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