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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Blog Tour/Review - Kalon by T.L. Smith

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Kalon (Take Over Series #2)
By: TL Smith
Genre: Dark Romance
Installment Series
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He wants me dead because I’m a threat to him. He tried to murder my Father. Little did he know that you don’t mess with my family? I will get my revenge. Then I’ll take down anyone else who stands in my way and I will make them pay. I’m not your average woman. I deal with thugs and murders. I’ve been broken and tortured. But don’t mistake this for weakness. I am far from weak. I should be feared and definitely not be messed with. I have a Greek God by my side. His name is Stefanos and he worships the ground I walk on, and I adore him. He gives me the strength I need for the path I’ve chosen. People in my business know me as Krinos, and I am not to be trifled with.


Book – Kalon (Take Over #2)
Author – T.L. Smith
Publication Date – June 14, 2014
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance, Suspense
Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

You know how when you see a movie or read a book and it blows you away….but then a sequel comes out and you get all hyped up about it….but then it doesn’t meet your expectations and you feel like you just wasted a few hours of your time and wish you would have just left it alone with the love you felt for the original?  Well….yeah……..this wasn’t Kalon AT ALL!! The second lived up to my expectations and maybe even over exceeded.

How much I love Krinos – she is such a bad-ass heroine…and Stefanos…holy shit that man can make even a nun cream!

Want to read something totally off the grid from the other romance books out there?  This is it!
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T.L. lives in Brisbane, Australia with her 2 children. She started writing because of her love of reading. She used to doodle with ideas when she was younger, but never wrote too much. Her life dream is to be a full time author. If you ask her if she is like her characters, she says, “I am like both of the characters from my two book series. I think I have put a bit of myself in both….Krinos tends to say things without thinking, I do the same. She also rules the roost, and I do the same in my household.” Her celebrity crush is Chris Hemsworth, she loves chocolate ice cream, her biggest pet peeve is nails on a chalkboard., and she is not a fan of having her photo taken. She loves being part of the Indie Book world, and has made some amazing friends along the way. But, she acknowledges she could never do what she does if it wasn’t for the bloggers that pimp her and the fans that support her and read her books. 
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Krinos (Take Over #1)
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The Dilemma Series
Adams Heaven –
Sasha’s Dilemma -  
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June 18th
              Obsessed by Books
              Frazzled Brunette
June 19th-
              Love To Read
              Anny Books
June 20th-
            Promiscuous Book Blog
June 21st-
             Breaking That Kindle Budget
               This Redhead Loves Books
June 22nd-
              Debbie the Book Vixen
June 23rd-
              Rachel’s Ravishing Reads
              Who Picked This
June 25th
              This Girl Loves Books
June 26th
              Blue Chrysalis Book Promo
June 27th-
              PNR Book Lovers Reviews
June 28th
             Reading Is My Superpower
June 29th
              The Romance Vault
June 30th
              Magic Within The Pages
July 1 –
              Naughty Moms Story Time
              Sammy’s Book Obsession
July 2 –
              Cheeky Pea Reads and Reviews
              Star Angel Reviews
July 3 –
              Kat’s Indie Blog
              Random MusesOmy
              Naughty Book Eden
July 4 –
              Cruising Susan Book Reviews
              Love Bites and Silk Ties
July 5 –
              Books and Friendz
              Twin Sisters Rockin Book Reviews
              Jackie’s Book Reviews    

 photo Kalon9_zpsac302102.jpg T.L. is TAKING OVER!!! Come join her for exclusive teasers, giveaways, and a whole lot of madness!!!! 
Love to Read --
                     Tues 6/17       8pm - 9pm (EST)
Bookwhoresasaures --
                     Wed 6/18       9pm – 10:30pm (EST)
Who Picked This --
                     Fri 6/20              8pm – 9:30pm (EST)
Breaking That Kindle Budget --
                     Sat 6/21              9pm – 10:30pm (EST)      
PNR Book Lovers Reviews --
                     Mon 6/23       1pm – 2:30pm (EST)
Books and Friends --
                     Tues 6/24       1:30pm – 3pm (EST)
Rachel’s Ravishing Reads --
                     Thurs 6/26       10pm – 11:30pm (EST)
Debbie The Book Vixen --
                     Fri 6/27              5pm – 6:30pm (EST)
Twin Sisters Rockin Reviews --
                     Mon 6/30              8pm – 9:30pm (EST)
Reading Is My Superpower --
                     Tues 7/1              9pm – 10:30pm (EST)
Obsessed By Books --
                     Wed 7/2              9pm – 10:30pm (EST)
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