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Monday, June 30, 2014

Review - The Maverick's Red Hot Reunion By Christine Glover

A Review By Wendy
3 Learning to Understand Stars 
* * *

Why is it we always think we know what is best for others? Time and time again, we make decisions based on assumptions.... "I will allow him to be free because I can not give him what he wants".... "I will make xyz happen and manipulate behind the scenes so she will then achieve her goal without her knowledge." Why do we think things like this will ever turn out for the best.... it is something I never could understand in real life and find it hard in books, as well. Yet in these types of stories, such as in life, the people doing these actions mean for them to be the best for the intended loved one. They only want their happiness... and if sacrifice is the only way for that to come about, then they will do it gladly.

In this story, a tragedy happens between two young people and decisions were made without consulting each other. By making the first choice, the results of the second took place leaving its mark on both characters.

Five years go by and they are brought together again. Their mutual best friend has been stricken with ALS; he possible participation in medical trials is on the line. His desire to endure them is waning... he needs something to look forward to... something to make him feel it is worth the pain. The only thing which could motivate him is the reuniting of this couple from long ago, Zach and Kennedy. He had brought them together the first time... watched them fall in love and plan to marry.  What happened later was the problem and both had still not recovered. It is both Zach's and Kennedy's love of Michael which causes them to masquerade as a couple again. By doing this, he will do the medical trials. By doing this, these two will be thrown together and have to deal with the love they never lost.

This is a story of second chances. It addresses all of the things which led to the disaster of their first go around. Each had legitimate reasons for the way they behaved and the choices made.... the biggest hurdles were their inability to just accept and explain why they were doing what they were to each other.

We were given strong characters with lots of inner dialogue. Both were hot for each other and fighting it... making for a solid ramp up of when they did get together.

There were other added elements which gave depth... the confrontation of mortality; how no matter what... there are certain things in this life we just can not control and must accept. It is the way we accept and the strength in dealing with the outcome which was shown well.

There were brief and intriguing moments of other characters leading me to believe their story will be coming soon. 

If you are a fan of second chances... some internal struggles and drama with the outcome of a happy ever after.... then this would be just for you.

A gifted copy was provided by Entangled Publishing for an honest review.
Born in the Netherlands, Christine moved to Canada where she spent her formative years. Then she married her Texan Alpha Physicist, moved to the United States and she has lived both south and north of the Mason Dixon line. Now Christine resides in Alabama with her husband, two insane cats and her wonderful daughter. She enjoys finding the silly in the serious, making wine out of sour grapes, and giving people giggle fits along with heartfelt hugs. When she’s not writing, you can find her traveling the world, cooking gourmet food, and desperately seeking a corkscrew.

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