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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blog Tour/Review - Overexposed by Noelle Adams (#giveaway $25 GC)


Blog Tour Signup: Overexposed by Noelle Adams
Publication Date: May 30, 2014
Amazon - B&N - All Romance


For five years, Leah has been known as the fame whore who screwed Kevin Grayson, son of Hollywood royalty, as a step up the ladder to stardom and then maliciously exposed footage of their most intimate moments to the world. Only Leah knows Kevin is the guilty one, using the public sympathy to advance his career and breaking her heart in the process.

Leah isn’t naïve anymore. She’s given up on romance, and she’ll do whatever necessary to prove she hasn’t been defeated. So when she needs another shot of notoriety to ensure the success of her new restaurant, at the same time Kevin needs some PR help of his own, she agrees to a crazy plan.

She can fake a two-week romantic vacation with Kevin, pretending to rekindle their relationship for the eyes of the world. And she can resist Kevin’s breathtaking sexiness, even in such close quarters. And she absolutely won’t fall for any of his lies.

Even when they start to sound like the truth...


Book – Overexposed
Author – Noelle Adams
Publication Date – May 30, 2014
Type – Stand Alone
Genre – Romance
Rating – 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

This is definitely a switch to what I am used to reading…this was such a cute book about a love between Leah and Kevin.  I loved how this book switched from the past to the present – I have to admit though that I had a hard time with Kevin in the beginning knowing that it was him who put Leah in the spotlight in such a negative way. 

I respected Leah and how strong of a character she had by not letting the drama of her past get in the way of building a future for herself.  She overcame and she conquered!

This is a second chance for Kevin to make it right with Leah and show her that it is OK to trust him.  The sex was hot – the drama and heartbreak were heavy but the love and understanding soared over it all.

About the Author

Noelle hand wrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she teaches English, reads any book she can get her hands on, and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.


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