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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Review - Skin Deep by Megan D. Martin

Review by Carol

Book – Skin Deep (Eternal Forces #1)
Author – Megan D. Martin
Publication Date – April 3, 2014
Type – Stand Alone/Part of Series
Genre – Paranormal Romance
Rating – 4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary Copy provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. 


Kiera hates being overweight and hides behind thick layers of clothing. One night, her friends present an opportunity that seems impossible to believe. With a single spell, she can have the thin physique she's always coveted.

But all magic comes with a price: no sex or she'll revert back to her old body. Kiera accepts the cost. It's not like she has men lined up at her door. Obeying this one tiny rule isn't difficult at all—until the night she meets Cain, a were-tiger and a soldier with the Eternal Forces.

When a slew of unexplained murders forces Kiera and Cain together, they'll have to face the horrors of their pasts. Will Kiera realize she is worth more than her outward appearance? Or will she make the wrong choice and lose everything—including her life?


I think I am constantly saying that I will ANYTHING from Ms. Martin because I love her work so much….but when she approached me to review this story…I was hesitant….for so many different reasons. First, I have done the Paranormal Romance genre to death a few years ago and thought I have read every single fucking story premise out there….so I thought this would fall into the same category. Then, it’s about a girl who is overweight and that touches a very sensitive area with me, since I am struggling with depression over the same thing. I put on my “big girl panties” and agreed to give it a shot.

So I read the first few chapters and I’m struggling with it….I’m having a problem with her ex who beats her for being a big girl, I’m having a problem with her hiding out in her house (I do the same) and I’m having a problem with her hiding her body with big clothes (that hit way too close).

Then *wham bam* - she chooses to have the body she only dreamed of in exchange for never having sex – now why all of a sudden are men paying attention to her? That’s what pisses me off – Luke – one of the guys whose hair she has cut for months never paid her any attention until she was thin. Then he was all over her to go out on a date and couldn’t keep his hands off her. During a conversation with Luke, Kiera asks him “Why didn’t you ask me out before?” Luke doesn’t even try to cover up the reason and that’s when we learn just how shallow people can be!

Now Cain – he never tried to hide behind a façade – he wants attractive women – no matter what type of paranormal creature they are…he’s been around for centuries and NEVER ONCE has had more than a few fucks with each female. Well that is until he sees Kiera for the first time and he wants nothing more than to fill her hole, but Kiera has other things on her mind. She can’t have sex….no matter how hot this guy is…and it turns out that she is the FIRST female to turn Cain down.

Now Cain can’t get her off his mind…she is taking over his thought process and he will stop at nothing to make sure that he gets her….but all through this….there is a serial killer on the loose and he is gunning for a particular red-head that he is searching for and has been for years.

So throughout this book – we have life lessons, suspense, romance, angst and most important a winning lesson at the end!

So again…Ms. Martin – keep me in mind for your next one….even if it’s Christian Romance, hell, even a reference historical non-fiction!

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