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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Release Blitz/Review - Lost In Me by Lexi Ryan (#giveaway $25 GC - Only $0.99 - @writerlexiryan )

Get ready for NYT Bestselling Author Lexi Ryan’s new
series Here and Now! The first novel in the series, LOST IN ME, is a sexy New Adult
contemporary romance released April 7th!

is on SALE for just .99 cents the first week of release as a fan appreciation
from the author!

LOST IN ME is the first book in the Here and Now series, a spin-off of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Hope series. This sexy amnesia love triangle is intended for mature readers.

The last thing I remember is having drinks at Brady’s and trying to avoid eye-contact with my life-long crush—the gorgeous, unattainable Maximilian Hallowell. They tell me that was a year ago, but I have no memories of anything since then. What I do have is this ring on my finger that Max says he gave me, and this much-thinner body I’ve dreamed of most of my life. Aside from a case of retrograde amnesia, everything seems almost…perfect.

But the deeper I immerse myself into this new world of mine—planning a wedding to a man I don’t remember dating, attempting to run a business I don’t remember starting—the clearer it becomes that nothing is as it seems. Do I have the life I’ve always wanted or is it a facade propped up by secrets I don’t even know I have?

I need answers before I marry Max, and the only person who seems to have them is the angry, tatted, sexy-as-sin rocker Nate Crane. And Nate wants me for himself.

LOST IN ME is not a standalone novel, as the story continues in Here and Now book two, FALL TO YOU, releasing in June.

Purchase Links

Review by Carol

Book – Lost in Me (Here and Now #1)
Author – Lexi Ryan
Publication Date – April 7, 2014
Type – Cliffhanger Series
Genre – Romance/New Adult
Rating – 5 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary Copy provided by Author (Release Blitz) in exchange for an honest review.


What the HELL???? Yesterday I get a story without an ending and today I get a book with a cliffhanger that leaves me asking more questions compared to when I was reading it….UGH… the book gods have a vendetta against me?  And just when I finish wiping the last drip of snot from crying – I get hit with an ending that has me ready to commit Hara-Kari.  I do think next time I will take the time to read the FULL synopsis, down to the last line…because there it is plain as day that this book would end in a cliffhanger.

I LOVED this story…I was sucked in to this story…and with every page turn, I could feel my heart pounding quicker and quicker in anticipation of what was going to happen next or what Hannah would remember…..OH and not only was this book full of suspense….it was a “tear-jerker” on top of it….HOLY HELL Ms. Ryan – what have you done to me?  Can I wait till June to find out more?  Ummm…I guess I’m going to have to – but do I want to? HELLZ to the H – N.O.!! 

Oh and did I mention our heroine has always battled with her weight

Ms. Ryan, your writing style is precise, your use of adjectives to describe settings and feelings can only be described as phenomenal – you were able to transport me into New Hope and experience the emotions each character experienced. Now please get back to writing and see if we can have the next book published a little bit ahead of schedule….like maybe April 8?


Hannah wakes up from an accident not remembering the last year of her life…and in this year her life has been a whirlwind of changes….some good…..some not so good.  She needs to figure out just what the hell happened and put the pieces of the puzzle back together again and figure out – why she lost so much weight?  Why she is engaged? Who this mysterious man in her bed is with the Hulk tattoo? When did she open up a bakery and who is her silent partner?  What happened to her relationship with her twin? How did she end up with Max? What really happened to her and the stairs she ‘supposedly’ fell down?

The only thing Hannah knows for certain is that bit by bit her memory is returning and she will stop at nothing to figure out what the hell happened in those missing months!

About the Author

Once a college English professor, I now write full time. I live in rural Indiana, where, when I’m not writing, I get to hang out with my husband and two kids–a six-year-old boy and a two-year-old hellion, er, girl. Not surprisingly, reading and writing remain my favorite activities, though both come in bits and pieces these days, not the big hunks of time I enjoyed before I had children. When I’m feeling virtuous, I like to go running
(I use that word liberally. I’m really, really slow) or do yoga. Don’t worry, I’m always careful to balance out such activities with a hearty serving of ice cream or a chocolate martini.


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