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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Release Blitz - Nearly Mended by Devon Ashley (#giveaway $25 GC)

Nearly Mended (Nearly #2)
By Devon Ashley

Release: April 7, 2014
New Adult Romantic Suspense / Dark
Realistic Fiction

God help me…Zander isn’t the worst thing out there.

Megan Whitaker

desperately wants to forget what the Malone brothers have done to her over the
past two years – the haunting images and sensations still plaguing her thoughts
and dreams – but she can’t. Charles may be dead, but Zander isn’t. I’ll find you and bring you back to me.
She wants to believe she’s safe with Nick in their secluded new home, but it
doesn’t keep her from looking over her shoulder, jumping over unexpected
sounds, carrying a concealed weapon or even preparing for the worst.

Nick Ellis has seen a

change in his long, lost love. Battered emotionally and physically, Megan
spends her days at self-defense classes and researching things that’ll never
allow her to let go of the past. And he feels guilty even asking her to,
because he knows that heathen will return, it’s only a matter of time. And when
he does, Nick will do anything to save her, even the unthinkable, risking
everything he’s fought so hard to get back.

But there is no

escaping the world of sex trafficking, nor the band of men who continually aid
one another to keep it thriving. And as her nightmares begin to converge with
reality, Megan realizes there are far worse people to fear than the one who
haunts her dreams.

New Adult Romantic
Suspense / Dark Realistic Fiction

Recommended for 17+ for
mature and disturbing situations, language and sexual content.

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About the Author

Devon Ashley is a mom, a wife, a lover and a

fighter, a coffee addict, a wicked knitster, a Microbiologist, a baker of fine
yummy treats, and someone who will fight you to the death for that last Twinkie
bag of M&Ms during the zombie-apocalypse. Seriously, her addiction is that
important to her. Oh, and she says seriously way too much. Seriously…


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