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Friday, April 4, 2014

GUNS SPENCER( Rook and Ronin Spin Off By J.A.Huss

A Review By Wendy
5 Shrike, Bombshell, Hacking, Number 5 Stars
 * * * * * 

There are some things you wish for... things you cannot wait to have... but then it is bittersweet... because once you have them... the experience is over. Waiting for GUNS: The Spencer Book was like waiting for those special times for me. This book brings all of the intrigue, relationships and answers to a close... of sorts.... for the Rook and Ronin series. 

We first met most of the players in Tragic, continued in Manic with the fleshing out of Ford and Spencer; and in Panic, a full bodied understanding of how all of them were interconnected. We fell for the love of Rook and Ronin, held their hands through their coming together and learning to trust each other. We got bits and pieces of Spencer, of Shrike Bikes and Ford, the TV Producer of the reality show based on Spencer's company and artwork. We also became a virtual part of the Team... as we were treated to learning about the relationship all three guys had from the past. They were loyal; willing to serve each other and did all things together... with each having an expertise.

These characters captivated our imaginations and hearts. We wanted to know every little bit we could get and J. A. Huss carefully gave us just enough to want more. She even gave us separate books for Ford and now Spencer... letting us really feel these men so they were no longer side characters but receiving the serious consideration they deserved.

As all of the books progressed, the last reveal was Spencer... at first he is not someone you truly get... he is sexy, tough; means business all of the time. Yet only through the recent novella, A day in the Life of Spencer, does it become clear... Spencer is the romantic of them all... 
He is a Renaissance artist, the visionary of how his life should be... with the main focus being his love of Veronica Vaughn AKA Ronnie AKA Bomb/Bombshell. 

The beauty of their love is so intense... when they connect .... really connect.... it is powerful and breathtaking... It Stops Time... everything falls by the wayside and you are there ... experiencing their love, need and sweetness. Some of the most tender moments come from this powerful, forceful man. 

And as this man, he has tried to envision 20 steps ahead of the danger all of the team is experiencing... and by doing this... he has isolated Ronnie and pushed her away. She is out there... loving Spencer; missing the times they use to have... wanting him but at the same time furious for the treatment he has done. By pushing her away to protect her, Spencer has actually left her vulnerable....

All things are coming to a head and we are there watching; wanting to know what happens and wishing the best for them....

This last part of this epic series is not disappointing ... is does not suffer the usual type of rushing or throw away completions which can happen.  Every part of this is fully formed and lives up to what you have come to expect from the author. I love J. A. Huss and I have felt her ability and methods have grown as the books progressed. She is so confident in her telling; there is no hesitation. Everything is sure and strong.

I am now lighting personal candles and saying my prayers... that somewhere down the line... we get to have more of these characters... because I truly believe deep down... Ms. Huss is not finished with us and this Team.... 

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review

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JA Huss is the author of the Amazon bestselling Rook and Ronin series, the epic science fiction I Am Just Junco series, and hundreds of kid-friendly science books in subjects such as biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, astronomy, and forensics. She has an undergraduate degree in equine science and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology. She has never taken a creative writing class and she hopes she never will.

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