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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cover Reveal - Measure of Devotion Trilogy by Caethes Faron (#free download)

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Jason Wadsworth is finally headed to university. Leaving behind his father's cattle ranch in favor of the posh, gaslit streets of Perdana, Jason is determined to climb the social ladder and forget his country roots. If only his father had gifted him with a more upscale slave.
Kale's been a country slave his whole life. All he wants is to keep his head down and live as comfortable an existence as possible. Unfortunately, his dramatic master despises him and makes life difficult at every turn.
Humbled by his first breakup, Jason grows to appreciate his ever-faithful slave and soon discovers that Kale is everything he's ever wanted. Now he needs to prove to Kale that his love is genuine.
Kale, meanwhile, tries to convince himself that he simply feels the devotion of a slave to his master, but his actions prove what his mind is unwilling to accept: he's falling in love. When Jason's future happiness is in jeopardy, Kale sets himself on a course to make Jason's dreams come true, even if it means facing up to the fact that, for the first time in his life, he loves someone else more than he loves himself.
Follow Jason and Kale as the rely on the strength of their devotion to each other to weather the storms they unwittingly enter in their quest for peace.
Measure of Devotion is a bittersweet love story that contains sexual content and adult language.

Jason was home to him now.

Home was not a place for him like it was for Jason. It was a person, because that’s all Kale could have.
That’s why he had been willing to risk himself for Jason. Somewhere along the way, things had changed. Kale’s happiness was no longer dependent on Jason’s the way every slave’s happiness depended on his master’s; Kale’s happiness had become intertwined with Jason’s.

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Caethes Faron is a bisexual, genre-queer writer. Her books are equal opportunity, featuring gay, straight, and bisexual characters. Her bittersweet tales of love and loyalty are just as likely to leave readers in tears as smiles, and her love scenes don't fade to black. She enjoys empowering the powerless and exploring the nature of human relationships, especially in differing power dynamics. All of her books feature adults in adult situations. Foul language, diverse sexual situations, BDSM, power play, and other things that are sure to offend some people make regular appearances in her novels.
Caethes’s writing is influenced by her observations of this imperfect world and the flawed characters who inhabit it. She’s lived in seven states and is always looking for the next place to call home with her husband and two dogs. She currently resides in Florida.


Measure of Devotion Book 1 Cover 


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