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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cover Reveal - Epiphany by Ashley Suzanne (#giveaway)

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Title: Epiphany (Book 4 - The Destined Series)
Author: Ashley Suzanne
Release Date: May 10, 2014
Genre: New Adult Romance


Epiphany, the final installment of The Destined Series, continues the stories of four best friends from college who are making decisions that will set the course for the rest of their lives.

Mira and Skylar have had their share of painful pasts, troubled presents and an unknown future. When Skylar finds himself getting more involved with his MC, it puts strain on his relationship with Mira, who quickly learns that trust isn’t as easily given as she would have thought. Will they be able to make it through and get the happily ever after they both dream of?

With Danny’s life now on the rocks, he continues to grasp at straws, trying to find a place for himself in the world. Between a career that isn’t what he thought it would be and dealing with the fall out with Mira and Skylar’s relationship, he struggles to move forward until the job offer of his dreams lands directly in his lap. Will he jump at the opportunity or fight for the love he's lost?

Kylee's recent success has caused Jacoby to feel left out, leaving him resenting her career. When an unexpected turn of events forces them to make a life changing decision, will they be able to make it out unscathed?

This group of friends, this family, are all searching for signs to lead them in the right direction. Will a moment of deja vu be the epiphany needed to move toward the happily ever after they all desire?

Series Reading Order

Ashley Suzanne
Mirage (Destined #1)
Inception (Destined #1.5)
Awakening (Destined #2)
Façade (Destined #3)

 About the Author

Ashley-Author PicAshley Suzanne is a married mother of three little boys as well as a daughter, aunt, sister, best friend, birth mother, blogger, book whore and author. Ashley is a native to the suburbs of Detroit, with most of her family living in Kentucky and New York.

You can usually find Ashley sitting in bed, with her laptop, playing on Facebook, pretending to write, entering giveaways (she’s also a swag whore) or on a football field with her oldest son, Tyler. Yep, not only is she a football fan, she’s a football mom!

When she’s reading, it’s typically something to do with romance, contemporary being her favorite genre. She’s a total fan-girl over a few authors; Pamela Ann, SE Hall, Madeline Sheehan, Jasinda Wilder, Maya Banks, CM Stunich, Nicole Jacquelyn and Riley Rhea to name a few.

Ashley has no pets, unless you count her children and she is a little OCD. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite drink is cherry vodka and coke and double chocolate brownies are a must.

Other Works by Ashley Suzanne (all available on Amazon, BN, iTunes, Kobo and Smashwords)
Mirage (Book One: The Destined Series)
Inception (Book One 1/2: The Destined Series)
Awakening (Book Two: The Destined Series)
Façade (Book Three: The Destined Series)
Epiphany (Book Four: The Destined Series) – Coming Summer 2014




  1. I've always felt that I was meant to help people, and I'm lucky I get to do that working in a health care environment. But, I've been feeling lately that its not enough, and so I've been thinkinvg of becoming a substance abuse counselor.

  2. That is so awesome Karina!! Both fields are so giving to the community - I hope your journey into deciding is a full one and whichever you decide may it fill your life with happiness!

  3. I did. I felt that there is something I was destined to do. Unfortunately, when you a minor, you do have to listen to your parents and that what I did. Hate to say they derailed me from my objective but I found another way of pursuing it.
