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Monday, April 14, 2014

Book Blitz - Confessions of a City Girl by Juliette Sobanet (#giveaway)


Confessions Los Angeles 600 wide 72dpi
Book: Confessions of a City Girl LA
Author: Juliette Sobanet
Tour Organized by: Indie Sage, LLC



In their efforts to start a family, talented DC photographer Natasha Taylor and her professor husband have plunged headfirst into the stressful world of fertility treatments, scheduled sex, and IVF-induced debt. When an opportunity arises to sell a gallery left to Natasha by her late mother, Natasha hopes the sale could dig the couple out of financial ruin, give them one last shot at a baby, and save their crumbling marriage.

But when her husband walks out on her and doesn't show up to her most important exhibit, an intense encounter with the alluring Nicholas Reyes—a once-famous photographer turned investor—leaves Natasha questioning everything she believed she wanted for her life.

Nicholas offers to buy the gallery...on one condition: Natasha must join him for a decadent weekend in Los Angeles, where he will give her the career opportunity of a lifetime and one unforgettable Hollywood night.

How harmless could one night be?

As it turns out, one night with the disarming Nicholas Reyes has the power to unravel Natasha's tightly-wound world and awaken her in ways she never could have imagined.

Purchase Link

About the Author

Juliette SobanetJuliette Sobanet earned a B.A. from Georgetown University and an M.A. from New York University in France, living and studying in both Lyon and Paris. She worked as a French professor before turning a new page in her career, penning romantic women’s fiction with a French twist. Today she lives in San Diego, where she devotes her time to writing, eating chocolate, and dreaming about her next trip to France. Visit Juliette's website at



Enter to win a wine and spa gift basket as well as 3 ecopies of Confessions of a City Girl LA


  1. I read to relax. Sometimes I plug the headphones into my kindle and let it read to me so I can close my eyes and really relax! xo

  2. What a funny question to asks a bunch of readers lol.

  3. I'm all for a good book and a Dr. Pepper :D

  4. Grab my kindle or nook, a glass of wine and sit out on my swing and read :)
