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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blog Tour/Review - Confessions After Dark by Kahlen Aymes (#giveaway $25 GC - Scavenger Hunt)


Sparks Fly … Lines Blur…  Hearts Break
Alexander Avery is rich, powerful and the sexiest man Angeline Hemming has ever laid eyes on: a man like every woman dreams about.  Angel is not immune to his sensual and ruthless pursuit, and Alex is intoxicated by the beautiful doctor; overwhelmed with desire like he’s never known.
As one of Angel’s profiling cases gets more and more dangerous, Alex finds himself filled with unfamiliar panic and emotional turmoil; his need to protect her goes against Angel’s adamant insistence that she doesn’t need his help.  He isn’t a man to sit on the sidelines when the woman he’s obsessed with is threatened, so he takes control to protect her without telling her of his plans.
Angel’s fortitude is shaken when her stalker invades not only her personal life but also those close to her… even when that someone is as powerful and seemingly untouchable as Alexander Avery.  Professional ethics insist she keep the details or her work secret, even as their newfound closeness has her yearning to confide in him.   But, as Angel’s quest to protect her heart from Alex’s undeniable pull equals her need to keep him out of a dangerous situation, circumstances dictate a huge decision; which could have detrimental, and irreversible consequences for them both. 
When danger threatens and jealousy reaches the boiling point, lies will be told and secrets kept… Even with the best intentions and the most undeniable connection … the deepest of loves will be tested.

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Book – Confessions After Dark (After Dark #2)
Author – Kahlen Aymes
Publication Date – April 14, 2014
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance, New Adult
Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

Wow….this book is one steamy romance filled with “on the edge of your seat” suspense.  We follow Angel and Alex through their relationship where they are met with many obstacles getting in their way of a happily ever after.  Angel is having a hard time coming to terms with her feelings about Alex while Alex does everything in his power to try and keep Angel safe along with winning her heart and love.

Is it possible to keep Angel safe when she has a pissed off rapist who wants nothing but to bring Angel down while Angel on the other hand is doing everything in her power to nab this guy.

In my opinion it’s kind of comical with these two….both are strong willed – Angel used to her independence and Alex trying to take control of her.  I love these two as they battle wills against the other.  I applaud Angel’s character since a strong female heroine is exactly my cup of tea!


“Mmmmm… ” Alex murmured.  The sound of his voice begged her to push the door open further.  The smooth mahogany gave way beneath her trembling fingertips to reveal a lone figure sprawled face down on the bed.  
Angel’s breath left her lungs in a grateful rush as she leaned on the doorframe, hands reaching out to take her weight.  Relief washed through her.  He was here and he was alone.  God help her, that fact was just as important.  
The sheet was falling low on his waist, clinging precariously to the curve of his butt, the strong expanse of his shoulders presented to her below the dark hair.  It looked longer than she remembered, and she stood there, willing him to turn so she could see the lines of his face.  Her lips parted to call his name, but he stopped her by calling hers first.
“Angel, don’t do this.”
She gasped softly and moved to the side of the bed, crawling gently onto it to kneel beside him, her rear resting on her feet.  His scent surrounded her, a mixture of musky cologne and Alex.  The skin, molded over the strong contours of his back, fascinated her.  She wanted to touch, to feel the silken texture beneath her fingers, to run her nose down his spine, to taste the salty tang on her tongue.  
Angel was falling apart, her weakness overwhelming her.  Earlier, she’d fought ruthlessly, but now, she had no fight left.  With Alex, she wanted to surrender.  The truth of it was undeniable.
“What am I doing?” she asked softly, reaching out to smooth her hand over the back of his head and down the strong muscles of his back.  He was warm, a sharp contrast to her own skin, and the familiar electricity ran between his flesh and hers—tangible and alive.
Alex shifted, turning his head toward her.  He was still sleeping, his features soft in the dark blue glow of night.  “You deny us..." 


Dr. Angeline Hemming is a beautiful, sassy, no-nonsense type of girl who has risen from a difficult past to become one of Chicago’s most successful and respected criminal profilers. In exchange for free commercials to promote her favorite charitable causes, Angel answers calls and gives relationship advice on a Friday night radio program.

Alexander Avery is a gorgeous and successful corporate genius who doesn’t believe in love. When his girlfriend-of-convenience calls into Angel’s program, he is furious with the show’s host who doles out (what he considers) blind advice, without knowing all the facts… and he decides to give her a piece of his mind, and his side of the story!

When Angel informs Alex he’s the one in need of a much-deserved lesson, all hell breaks loose as these two type-A personalities battle it out for control over minds and hearts, and yes, in bed. Not only are they fighting each other at every turn, but they are also struggling to uphold the convictions they each live by.

It’s unclear who is stronger, but both must discover that to get what they desperately want, they may have to give a little… or a lot.

Purchase Links

Amazon / iTunes / Smashwords / Kobo / B/N 


Kahlen fell into writing by accident but discovered a deep love for it.  She is an award-winning author of sizzling hot, deeply moving contemporary romance. Her books have reached #1 on Smashwords Bestseller List, #2 on Amazon Top 100 and #26 on Barnes & Noble Bestseller List.  The Remembrance Trilogy is traditionally published in France and her latest book debuted at #30 on top 100 paid list.
Her stories draw readers in and lets them experience all of the love, passion and emotion her characters do! She lives near Omaha, Nebraska with her daughter, Olivia and their three dogs. Creative by nature, she enjoys the arts, music and theater, but has a BSBA in Business and Marketing from an ivy league university... She adores her readers, most of all, so don't be a stranger!


Tour Scavenger Hunt!

Giveaway will be live until April 26th.

Prize:  $25 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of Confessions After Dark

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