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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Behind The Pitch By Eden Butler

A Review By Wendy 
5 Swoony, Declan's POV from the book Chasing Serenity Stars 
* * * * *

I am going to sound like a broken record. First, I just finished reading and reviewing Chasing Serenity by Eden Butler. Didn't know anything about her and it was NA, which is not my thing.

Holy Xmas...
I was stunned by the beauty of it and actually had a very difficult time writing the review. I wrote it from a couple of different angles and became frustrated with myself. Why??? Because I really felt I couldn't do the book justice. To try to give you, the potential reader all the yummy goodness which was this book, eluded me... just wasn't happening... so I did the best I could; hoped for people to take the time to read such a great book. Please see the review on the site . Do not read this book without reading Chasing Serenity first.

Because I came to Chasing Serenity from left field... I found out there was more by this author. Found Behind the Pitch, Declan's POV of the whole experience with Autumn plus the time between the last chapter and epilogue. I click-clicked immediately.  After completing Behind The Pitch, I saw in the acknowledgements Ms. Butler's readers asked for it.... Gahhhhhhhh, I am so glad she listened to them. 

This book is everything that a lead guy's POV book should be. This has become the big deal out there...
Because of the popularity of books and their characters... the demand from readers to want more... POV books from the different characters have become the thing. Which is fine. We love our characters and wish for more. But sometimes just because we wish for something doesn't mean we should always get it. If the retelling of the story from another character really doesn't bring something meaningful to the table... then, in my opinion,... it dilutes the impact of the character. It probably would have been better to leave them where the writer originally intended. Again, my opinion.

However.... if an author, such as Eden Butler, can do as she did... then please, please to all the writers, give this type of POV. It was in character; it was sharp and sassy. It had him talking to himself... and you believed every feckin word of it. Because you had read every part of the book it was based on and could feel the experiences. Also, GENIUS, she caused more to take place which was NOT part of the original book... not left out... just part we were not given... the characters had lived through it and we got to have it from him. 

So... Please ... go and read Chasing Serenity.. then immediately read this book, Behind the Pitch. I promise you, the experience will be one of your best. You get the flavor of an Irish Rugby lad... falling for a lass and then the realization in he cannot breathe without her.

Woot, woot.... there is more coming from this author in this of Autumn's friends, Molly,  is up next and it looks like a doozy. Eden Butler knows how to spin a tale... from the very first page. She sucks you in with all the detailed nuances you could want. Take it from a reader that does not gravitate to NA.....She has made a believer in me.  
Eden Butler is an editor and writer of New Adult Romance and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary (no cliffie) Romance, “Chasing Serenity” will launch October 2013.

When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, Eden edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football.

You can find Eden on GoodReads, Facebook and Twitter.

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