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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Review - Still Life With Strings by L.H. Cosway

A Review by JaHy

** 4 " FATEFUL" STARS****

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

When I think of [book:Still Life with Strings|20725005] the word "whimsical" immediately comes to mind. The writing, character development, and pace of the story felt as though I were reading a beautiful melody being performed with words. I am NOT a romance /chick lit kind of gal but when I noticed a friend (Claire) was reading this, I ran to request a copy. [author:L.H. Cosway|5622223] blew me away with [book:Painted Faces|16158740] and I was eager to see if she could do it again. SHE DID.

[book:Still Life with Strings|20725005] is a story of two very different people, whom lead very different lives, allowing fate to lead them to the same path to happiness.

Shane is a 29 year old violinist whom was proclaimed a child prodigy at the tender age of 6. His mother had him home-schooled by a private tutor so that he could spend more time focusing on the violin. He had a very isolated upbringing and rarely met other kids his age, hence ‘ no childhood friends"to speak of. While out celebrating with his new fellow musicians he spots a street performer and cannot take his eyes off the woman in blue standing perfectly still. Shane decides to approach her and......I'm not telling, but I promise it's good *wink-wink*

Okay, okay, the woman in blue is named Jade. She's a 26 year full time employee at The National Concert Hall, who's also a street performer in her spare time. Jade is the guardian to her 3 younger siblings, Alec 21 ( he's yummy, and deserves his own book ) April 17 and Pete 15. They mean everything to her and she will do anything to protect them ...and her HEART. One day at work she runs into Shane and learns he is the musician replacing the violinist whom left for Australia (ie, they'll be working at the same place) Both are immediately enamored with each other but Jade is not looking for a relationship other than friendship (silly woman) . An enjoyable friendship is formed , sexual tension beings oozing off the pages and the most sensual scene where words are written on body parts is told in such a light it will leave you breathless. Honesty, when the scene was first introduced I thought "oh great,here comes the cheese" boy was I ever eating my words.

There is so much more I could say but I don't wish to take away from the delicate melody being told by spoiling it with my big mouth. So I shall shut up now, but first I must say..ONE -CLICK IT.

**A huge thanks to L.H. Cosway for taking a risk by gifting meanie me an ARC. You are fantastic ! **

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