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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog Tour/Review - Underestimated by Jettie Woodruff (#giveaway)

Author: Jettie Woodruff
Genre: Adult Romance
Publication Date: June 26, 2013


Warning! This is not your everyday fall in love romance. This book contains disturbing situations, strong language, graphic, sexual content, some forced, some not. If it's your happily ever after love story that you are looking for, you should probably move on. If you are up for the ride, stick around and it may just turn into a love story after all.

Morgan starts her life in a bad situation, she doesn't really know what she wants out of life. She's never had anyone to look up to, or help guide her in the right direction. She had it rough, and never dreamed that it could get worse, however she finds that it can, and does.

She learns what real hell is when she meets the husband that she doesn't want to marry, but isn't given a choice. Can she escape? She can, and does only to wake up and find herself right back at square one


Book – Underestimated
Author – Jettie Woodruff
Publication Date – June 26, 2013
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance, Dark
Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

ARC provided by author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

I originally read this book back in August but had to re-read to do a more in-depth review, but I think my thoughts on the book hasn’t really changed from the first time I read it.  I enjoyed the story and the dark aspects of Morgan’s life but I did find the book dragging and over analyzing everything.

In my opinion, it was a strange story but fascinating.  The author did something different with this book to make the reader question his/her own mental stability in if it’s possible to be “programmed”.  If you have read the book, you will understand the question of whether or not Morgan has been re-programmed in order to enjoy the darker side of sexual play.  Was it that or did she really have a dark side and wouldn’t be satisfied with any “vanilla” relationship?

The one thing that bothered me though is why the sudden change in Drew – if anything I wish the book would have delve into that further.


Meet the Author

Writing is more than a passion for me. I write adult books, romance and erotica. I did recently try my hand at a young adult romance, but because of the gutter that my mind seems to fall into. It quickly went into rated R mode. I reside in Ohio. I love living in Ohio, except maybe the cold winters, and the snow, well maybe the hot summers too. Ah hell, I hate Ohio.

I love to push my limits in writing, fuel the senses and emotions of my readers. I have some great supporters and love them all dearly.

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