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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog Tour - Chloe by JH Cardwell (#giveaway $25 GC)

Attainment Series Book Three
By: J.H. Cardwell


What do we know about Chloe? Well, besides the fact that she is beautiful, blunt, and blithe, she has a tragic past. There's a reason Chloe Steele doesn't want to let love into her life. Her childhood friends are all marrying, or happily involved; but Chloe...she doesn't let any guy, even Brett, break through her barrier.
Will it take the one person she never thought she could forgive to finally unlock her heart. Can he help her fall head over heels in love? Chloe must realize it’s not the love that kills, it’s the absence of love that makes us bitter, and ultimately destroys us?

If you liked the twists and turns and romance in the first two books by J. H. Cardwell, get ready for Chloe, the third book in the Attainment Series. Find out what the characters from Attainment and Atonement are up to. Who will make a dramatic return and rock Chloe’s world? Read Chloe as the third in a series, or as a stand-alone. She certainly holds her own!

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Amazon / B&N

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I was on the phone with my Aunt Ronnie, after finally returning her tenth call. I guess I should have called her to let her know I left for California a few weeks earlier than planned. She was actually worried for me. Evidently she had finally texted Maura and knew I was still alive. So needless to say, I got an ear full. As I was turning around I ran smack dab into a hard chest knocking a drink all down the front of my dress.
“Shit! Watch where you’re going why don’t…” Damn it, John’s blue eyes were staring right in mine. I couldn’t move. I let out a deep breath and pushed past him.
“Hey!” John called out to me and grabbed a hold of my arm. “I’m sorry Chloe, are you okay?” He asked me softly, looking up and down my dress at the spilled beer.
“I’m fine!” I tilted my chin up. “Just…watch where you’re going from now on, why don’t cha!?” I bit back at him.
He still didn’t let go of my arm. I shot my eyes to the offending hand holding me captive. “I’ve been hoping to talk with you. I never got a good chance to apologize for what happened between Reese and me last summer…”
“Huh, you mean what backstabbing bullshit you pulled on her? I don’t really think there’s anything to talk about. You screwed up, that’s what you did John.” I was getting ready to start walking off again when John stepped in front of me.
“Yeah, I did, badly too. Anyway, I turned into the person I thought I never would…” John got a dark, distant look on his face. “I turned into my father. And for that, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I put all of you through that.

Author Info

Julie has spent years in the medical field. The first few as a Cardiac Specialty Nurse, and over the last decade as a Pharmaceutical and Medical Sales Representative. She has gathered mounds of experience both personally and professionally to pour into her long time passion…writing. After years of power points in the corporate world, she is finally pursuing literary fiction/New Adult/Contemporary romance with her first novel, Attainment, and the now released sequel Atonement. The third book in the series, Chloe, will be released in 2014. Julie resides in a small town in NC with her husband and four children. She continues working full time in sales, exploring her writing late at night and in the wee hours of the morning when her children are tucked safely in bed.

Author Links


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is a new author for me - can't wait to start this series. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. This is a new author for me and I'm excited to read this series! My question for the author would be does Chloe have similarities to you, influenced by someone you know or just a complete figment of your imagination?? ♥
