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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wanton Heat By Nicola Marsh

A Review By Wendy
3 Blunt Yet Vulnerable Stars 
* * * 

I was given the opportunity to read the current releases for the Entangled/Brazen group. One of them was this quick read, Wanton Heat by Nicola Marsh. I had not read the first book in this Feel the Heat series so I had no knowledge of the characters involved. For me, it had no bearing and did not take away from the story. 

The premise is Zoe, brash, feisty and anti establishment minded, is pitching the ad campaign of her life to a prince of one of the small surrounding island of Italy. Zoe is coming off a terrible time at the agency. She recently became a partner, something she had been but not in name. She had co funded the company with Allegra from the start but wanted to prove her talents to all the nay-sayers. She was tired of people accusing her of being a rich daddy's girl... good for nothing except spending his money. She tried her hand at pitching fresh new ideas to the client base Allegra had built with Zoe's research and detailed presentations only to drive them away and dump the agency. This campaign has important written all over it and it is make or break time for her. 

Prince Dominic Ricci has no desire to comply with any advertising campaign and is only humoring his grandmother in hearing the proposal. It is the only way she will let a cardiac doctor check her heart so he is compelled to hear the pitch.... but he is not going to agree. He will never agree as that would be betraying his father's wishes...wishes he holds onto as that is all he has left of his father. Both his parents were killed in an accident. He also had the misfortune of having the one women he thought he could trust die as well... so he is not about to do anything which will cause him to change anything to his beloved island.

These two meet... their agenda is firmly planted in their minds- he to say no; hers to convince and get the approval for the campaign.

Throw in the grandmother arranging them to be together for an extended time with no way to separate; emotional baggage discussed and then shared by both allowing a way for them to rid the masks and barriers... with the promise of them learning about themselves and each other. 

This tale has all the makings of a fun little read... it does have the intsta-connections which can be off putting in they happen really really fast and furious...

Both characters seem to be like those magnetic dolls .... you know the ones... their little heads connect if just a fraction closer than allowed... and slam.... mouth to mouth... well, these two have some very slamming experiences...which can be hot to read... 

I happened to have a couple of surprising moments with Ms. Marsh... and went to see if I had read anything else by her... I had, a book called Blush and remembered it fondly... so I will keep my eyes open and see what she brings next. 

Arc generously provided by Entangled/Brazen in exchange for an honest review.

About Nicola Marsh
USA TODAY bestselling author Nicola Marsh writes flirty fiction with flair for adults and spooky, supernatural fiction for young adults.
She has published 45 books with Harlequin, Entangled Publishing and indie, and sold over 5 million copies worldwide.
Her first mainstream contemporary romance, BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD (Entangled Publishing) released to rave reviews, including a nomination for RWA's RBY, Romantic Book of the Year 2012.
Her first indie-pubbed contemporary romance CRAZY LOVE released September 2012, is a Barnes & Noble bestseller, and was nominated for a 2012 ARRA award.
Her young adult debut, BANISH, a supernatural thriller featuring Wicca, spirits and murder, released August 2013 with Harlequin Teen.
Her young adult fantasy series with Month9Books launched November 2013 with SCION OF THE SUN.
Her debut new adult novel BEFORE releases December 2013.
She's also a Waldenbooks, Bookscan and Barnes & Noble bestseller, a 2013 RBY and National Readers' Choice Award winner, is a multiple finalist for awards including the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Booksellers' Best, Golden Quill, Laurel Wreath, More than Magic and has won several CataRomance Reviewers' Choice Awards.

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