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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Review - Red by Kate Kinsey

A Review by JaHy


Truly, madly...deadly

A BDSM thriller

Detective Tom Hanson has a string of grotesquely mutilated bodies on his hands and no answers—aside from the fact that the victims were members of an underground sex club catering to singular erotic tastes. Tastes the long, lean detective has sampled himself in the arms of his former lover, a fiery redhead who offered the most erotic, irresistible sex he’d ever encountered. Until the night she’d begged for the one thing he couldn’t give, and he lost her forever.

Gina Larsen is the only one who can guide Hanson through the fringe world of dark fantasy and desire that lies hidden deep beneath the Bible Belt. Lured into her lair by a quest for justice, Hanson discovers his hunger for Gina has only grown stronger and deeper…beyond the edge of control. Soon he’s shedding his last inhibitions in the search for answers, but the more she draws him into her erotic web, the less he can distinguish between passion and duty, pleasure and pain…good and evil.

85,000 Words.




*Would you like a little BDSM to go along with one wicked serial killer story-line ? 
* Would you like to read a story where the women are the more Dominate characters ? 
*Would you like to read a book that depicts the BDSM lifestyle in a believable manner? ( at least it seemed realistic to me) 
* Would you like to read sex scenes that cause your jaw to hit the floor and your panties to melt away?(check updates below) 
*Would you like to read a book with likable characters? (Loved Griggs) 
*Would you like to read a book that is not predictable? (AT ALL) 
*Would you like to read a book with a “HOLY SHIT! I did not see that coming" type of ending?
... if have answered "YES" to 3 or more of these questions, then you must read this book ASAP . If you have answered "NO" to 3 or more of these questions, I say to you, open your damn mind as you are surely missing out....then read the damn book as well.

I must say, I've never read another book quite like [book:Red|15795844], but I certainly hope to in the near future. Kate Kinsey offered her readers a little bit of everything.. Suspense, sex humor to lighten the mood, along with so many other things that make this book entertaining .

Now, the only complaint I do have is how the characters were introduced in the beginning of the book - I found the execution to be a tad bit chaotic (there is a purpose behind it). Even though I caught myself scratching my head in confusion, the enjoyment I experienced from all their naughty rendezvous totally outweighed my complaint.

Kudos to you Mrs. Kinsey on a job well done and for helping me select my new ringtone :-). You get this nutter's seal of approval ( not that it amounts to anything ) Friends and fellow bookworms please give this book a try. I can already hear you saying....

Updates While Reading

You said you wanted a pearl necklace for your birthday,” he whispered. And I knew you didn’t mean jewelry.”
She began to giggle, trailing her fingers in his cum and lifting them to her mouth.
“Oh, Roger,” she whispered, beaming up at him. “It was the perfect gift. Thank you.”

""He knew her so well, the location of every nerve ending wired directly to her cunt."

"“She shoved the plastic cock into his mouth. Once she had it between his lips, she grabbed his hair with both hands to hold his head firmly in place.
“Shut up and suck my dick. Suck it, bitch.

He wanted to impale her with his cock , fuck her into the goddamned mattress, fuck her until he split her into two-"

“The phone on her belt erupted into a familiar ringtone, a song he knew but for a moment could not place. Then it came to him. Rick James. “Superfreak.” He almost smiled. Gina always liked irony.”.....I think I just found my new ringtone.

" “I want a drink,” Griggs said.
“All they have is coffee and soda,” Gina said.
“No beer? Not even wine?”
“Nope. Alcohol is not allowed.”
“You’re shitting me!”
“Would you let a drunk tie you up and beat you?”
“I couldn’t let someone tie me up and beat me unless I was drunk.” Griggs shrugged” .....

“He imagined every thrust of his hips driving the head of his prick into her spine, splitting her in two. He couldn’t fuck her hard enough or fast enough.”

"“Don't go letting your dick do all your thinking.”
“I’m supposed to take this advice from you?”
“God gave us two heads, man. I’m just saying, use both of ’em.” ....Is that even possible?....just sayin :-)"...... No gif with this comment

" You aren’t wearing the collar I sent you . . .
He was watching her.”.....Eek! That's creepy.

"Holy shit!

Purchase Link

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