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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Blog Tour/Review & Giveaway ($25 GC) - Touched by Another by T.H. Snyder


Lately, Emma MacIntyre has been pretending to live the life of a perfect wife while her husband Keith takes control over her family business. With the loss of her parents to a tragic car accident and a fight that causes
her brother, Riley, to move out of state Emma chooses to stand by her husband.

While sorting out her parent’s estate, Emma stumbles across a few hidden secrets that she suspects Keith has kept her from. Heartbroken Emma turns to her brother for support, hoping to also rekindle their own broken relationship. When she moves to Boston Emma finds herself reacting to a complete stranger when he is willing to comfort her and listen to her pain.

Is Emma ready to move on with her life and leave the hurt of her failing marriage behind?

Will Emma fight the urge to fall once she has been Touched by Another?

Review by Carol

Book – Touched by Another (Touch #3)
Author – T.H. Snyder
Publication Date – January 26, 2014
Type – Part of Series – No Cliffhanger
Genre –Romance
Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (part of Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

Reading Order

Touch Me (Touch #1) – Char and Riley’s Story
Touched by You (Touch #2) – Chloe and Derrick’s Story
Touched by Another (Touch #3) – Emma and Pete’s Story
You’ve Been Touched (Touch #3.5) – Char and Riley’s Continuation (release Feb 2014)


I was utterly captivated when I first started reading this book.  I loved the beginning and following the angst Emma was going through with her husband, Keith.  I kept second guessing what the douche-bag was up to and a few times, I was steered wrong….but when I finally realized what he was doing to double cross Emma, man I wanted nothing but death to be knocking on his door.

I lived through Emma, I felt her pain and the trauma she experienced in life.  The author had a way of drawing me into the story and experience what Emma was going through.  It was amazing……until…..

I’m sorry – I don’t know if I’ve been in a funk lately but I had such high hopes for a 5 Star rating.  I think the second part of the book was a bit too unreal with Emma and Pete’s story.  I get that she deserved a happy experience and I get that both of them were trying to keep everything together as just “friends” but it was all “unicorns and rainbows” for them.  I don’t know of any relationship, whether friendship or lovers who don’t experience a few bumps in the road.

I would have been sold if maybe they just had one “take a second to rethink this” moment between them.


Emma is married to an asshole…but she has tried everything to keep her marriage together and make everyone in her life happy without ever putting herself first.  Things then start to change in her marriage and Keith is starting to respond to her and Emma starts to believe in love again.

Then a sudden trauma sets Emma and her brother back while Keith takes the reins and heads up the family business.  Again, Emma is full of sadness as she loses her husband to his job and also loses her brother, Riley, for standing by her husband.  Things start to look fishy to Emma and she starts a little digging while Keith is away on business.  What Emma finds is sure to put a wedge between all parties involved.

Fast-forward to divorce and Emma is in Boston to start her life over again.  Riley and Char take Emma under their wings and teach her how to live again by putting herself first.  Pete on the other hand is just coming out of a terrible relationship and can’t stand the sight of any woman….well that is until he sets his eyes on Emma……


I loved the beginning…..the second part was OK but all in all it was a good read and I would recommend it to anyone who love a bit of suspense in their romance!


There really is so much we need to talk about and I don’t want to push her into anything too soon. The last thing I want to do is hurt her or scare her because I’m moving too fast.

 It drives me crazy how much I care about her. I watch as she talks with everyone. Her smile and those eyes can light up a room, at least for me they can. She’s such a caring person; always putting the needs of others before her own. I know one of the things she wanted to accomplish with her move to Boston was to start putting herself first more often. It’s hard for her; it’s not in her nature to push others away. It’s one of her qualities that makes me love her so much. No matter what she needs or what I want to do for her, she always makes a point to make sure I have what I need first.

 She’s something so special to me now that I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.


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About the Author

t. h. Snyder was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. For six years she worked in the field of higher education while earning her Bachelor and Master Degrees in Management from University of Phoenix. She's a single mother to two children. She became an avid reader in spring of 2012 and since has read over 250 books. Her genre of interest ranges from Romance to thrilling Paranormal. This is more than just a hobby for her, it's a passion to read the words of great authors and bring life to their stories with her reviews and character castings. She started writing her first novel in June of 2013 and is anxious to see where this journey takes her!!

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Hosted by This Redhead Loves Books

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