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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blog Tour/Review & Giveaway ($25 GC) - Destiny's Detour by Mari Brown

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Heading off to her first year of college, Destiny is ready to take on the world. On the college dance team with her best friend, Amy, all Destiny wants is to have fun, enjoy her college years, and spend time with her older brother, David.
Troy is captain of the football team, sexy, sweet and her brother's best friend. Practically a member of the family, Troy has always been off limits...until now.
One night together changes everything...
A childhood crush turns into more and Destiny has no choice but to grow up sooner than she planned. Will life’s unexpected detours derail her forever? Is there a happily ever after in the cards for Destiny and Troy?
Only time will tell.
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A Review by Carol

Book – Destiny’s Detour
Author – Mari Brown
Publication Date – January 31, 2014
Type – Stand Alone
Genre –Romance, New Adult
Rating – 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (for Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

Fairy Tale….that’s the word that comes to mind when I think about this book.  When our characters have all the money they need to shop constantly while in college and when everything that happens comes out smelling like roses…..then that is a “Fairy Tale” my friends.

I’m not saying it is a bad thing – it’s just not really my cup of tea or maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for such a sweet, teeth throbbing story.  I did enjoy it and the author was fantastic with her writing and her ability to get the reader to visualize each scene as it happens.

Destiny starts college and moves in with her brother and his best friend Troy.  Destiny has always had a secret crush on Troy while they were growing up and can’t believe that she just woke up with him naked next to her.  As memories start to resurface, Destiny realizes she just had sex with none other than the star quarterback for their college.

She brushes it off to him as a “Oh well….that was nice and let’s not tell my brother.”  Damn….that just makes Troy lose his mojo because little does Destiny know…Troy has secretly been crushing after her since Junior High.

We follow Destiny and Troy while they make sense of the feelings they have for one another and what the real world keeps throwing at them. 

Did you ever dream of your “Prince Charming” and your “Fairy Tale” romance?  Do you like books with little to no angst?  How about every life situation doesn’t get any worse than a hangnail?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this is definitely the book for you!

Sigh. That boy has one hell of a smile. I really need to get a grip. I go back to talking to my girl. After finishing my drink, we are ready to hit the dance floor. I let David know where we are headed. He nods his head to acknowledge that he hears me. I know better than to walk off without letting my brother know where I am going.
The girls and I spend the next hour on the dance floor. We decide to break for a round of drinks and make our way back to the bar. No surprise, the guys are still hanging out in the bar room although they have moved to pool. We go up to the bar and all of us order a shot and a beer. We down our shots together at the bar then grabbed our beers and walk over to the pool table.
I am standing there drinking my beer when strong arms circle around my waist. I look over my shoulder to see Troy standing behind me.
I smile, and I don’t know why but the question just pops out of my mouth. “Troy, doesn’t it suck you can’t pick up girls at the party because you are stuck with me?”
A flash of emotion crosses his face before he smirks. “No, because I already hooked up with the most beautiful girl here and plan to take her home with me.”
That makes my stomach do flip-flops. Yep, not good. I am heading into dangerous territory.
I have always loved reading and writing. When I was in the fifth grade I became a published writer (okay so it was the school newspaper). I spent the better part of my teen years writing stories for my friends. Sometime between ages of 16 and 35 life happened and I stopped writing but I never stopped reading. It was only after my grandfather passed away in early 2012 that I decided to go for my dreams and write a novel and self-publish it.
I write under the pen name Mari Brown, which is just a play on my real name. I am happily married to my own alpha/ former bad boy male, we have been together for 18 years. We have a 17 year old daughter and two sons ages 15 and 14. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. There is never a dull moment around my house. We live on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Alabama.
In addition to writing I am also co-owner of Keepin’ It Real Book Blog, where I share my love of reading other Indie Authors.


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