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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tour Review & Giveaway - Spurs & Stilettos - Ashley Johnson


Hope Trahan has everything she wants and everyone she needs…except her sister and someone who really is deserving of her. Who knew two separate events would turn everything completely upside down? When her best friend drags her down to the rodeo to help clear her head the last thing she expects is to meet a sexy, sweet talking cowboy. That’s not what she came for but fate had other things in mind.
Wesley Tyler owns two national titles and is riding his way to the next. The day he meets Hope, he knows there’s no going back. He soon learns Hope carries ghosts with her she can’t quite shake. She holds things she wishes she could let go of. Wesley just may hold the key to helping her overcome it all. Can he win her over and help mend her broken walls or will her past hold her down?

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Spurs & Stilettos Cover



Book – Spurs & Stilettos
Author – Ashley Johnson
Publication Date – December 8, 2013
Type – Stand-Alone
Genre –Romance, Western
Rating – 3 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

It was a cute story but I felt rushed while reading it with Hope and Wesley’s instant attraction and love for each other.  Honestly I couldn’t connect with Hope because of how annoying she was in the beginning of the story.  I felt with how sweet and loving Wesley was Hope didn’t deserve someone like him. That is just my opinion though and I should understand how she would be untrusting in a relationship after what her ex did to her.

Other than that, I flew through this book sucking in all the angst and sweet talk.  Every time Wesley spoke…I sighed wishing I could find myself a cowboy like him!

I’m a bundle of nerves as I step out into the night air. It’s hard to not see him. He’s leaning against his truck. His back is to me and I almost don’t think he knows I am coming until he turns around to face me. My heart drops in my chest as I look into his eyes. We say nothing for a minute. We’re taking this time to rememorize each other, this time without the loud music and bright lights of the club. His hand reaches up and brushes against my cheek. I shudder trying to control myself. I missed his touch so much. I close my eyes praying this isn’t some dream but I open them and he’s here with his hand still on my cheek. “I miss you Hope.” He whispers. I won’t cry. I’m telling myself that. I’ll kick my own ass if I cry. I won’t be weak. “I miss you too,” I whisper almost inaudibly. We go back to not speaking. I can’t believe I’m standing outside in front of him. In front of the man who completely melts my heart. “Can you forgive me?” He leans in closing his mouth over mine and takes charge blowing my mind. I kiss him fiercely. “I can’t think of you being anyone else’s but mine Hope.” He says between kisses.

My name is Ashley Johnson and I live in Lake Charles, La with my fiance and our daughter. I graduated high school in 2003 and graduated college in 2008 with an associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I just love to read and write and I hope ya'll enjoy it.
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