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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tantalized Nenia Campbell

A review by Jenna

5 not your average 

student/teacher seduction book!

This is a book that I do not believe I will ever forget. Wow. One of the most fricked up books I have ever read and I simply DEVOURED it. I haven't read a book that quickly in I don't know how long. It took me just a few hours and I am a stay at home mom who had to make sure my 2 children were not beating each other up while trying to read as quickly as I could. 

I don't even know if I have words for this review right now. 

Please keep in mind the authors warning for this book before reading it: Contains triggers, anal/anal play, BDSM, hard play, needle play, references to drug and alcohol abuse, cutting and suicidal behavior, and content not appropriate for those under 18

That warning pretty much sums up the whole book actually. I'll be honest. I didn't even LOOK at the warning as I was downloading the book. I knew it was written by the same author who wrote the Horrorscape series (which might I add that I loved) and immediately wanted to read it. After downloading the book I read the blurb and thought "Score! Another student/teacher novel! I hope this one is more than 'just' sex." Don't get me wrong, I love a good student/teacher sex book, but this one is more. The beginning of the book gave us a glimpse into Jessica's quite frankly, f'ed up life. Sex, drugs, booze, self abuse... She stayed in a mental hospital for a while and it seems her parents got sick of her crap and sent her off to college. Not the right move parents. At school she seduces a very disturbed professor. One who who enjoys giving a bit of pain to his "lover." Not a good thing for a very young woman who actually needs more psychiatric help. This professor needs a bit of help in my opinion too. All these things lead up to a very, very... painful time for Jessica. Like I said earlier, I don't even have the right words for this review but I NEEDED to write something. 

5 stars go to you Nenia. This book definitely got me out of my book funk that is for sure! Fantastic writting as well.

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