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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Review - Becoming Sir - Ella Dominguez

A Review by JaHy


Sawyer's story from The Art of D/s trilogy.

Warning: Contains detailed sexual encounters, BDSM themes, oral, anal, ménage, F/F and profanity. Not for the closed-minded, prudish, sexually inhibited, easily offended, or faint-hearted.

Reliable, trustworthy, loyal to a fault - Sawyer is the kind of man other men want to be; a real man's man. But behind the facade of a his tough exterior and deadly silence hides a strong, tortured man with dark secrets. Always content to be in the shadows, now is the time of his sexual awakening. 

When Sawyer realized that there were women who unabashedly wanted to be dominated and controlled, and there was a world that embraced such things as domination and submission - everything seemed to fall into place. Tired of pretending to be someone he wasn't and suppressing his dominant tendencies, he takes the leap into the world of BDSM under the guidance of his friend and mentor, never to look back.

But the dark past and his heinous actions are hard to forget and even more difficult to leave behind. Will he be able to move forward and become the man he yearns to be? 

This is Sawyer's journey into becoming Dominant, Master, Sir.

Updates While Reading

3.0%         "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with a woman on her knees in 
                     front of me."... Well that's a first for me."

6.0%           I'm liking the open and honest communication between Sawyer and 


6.0%            Well shit! I'm only at 6% and sprung like the skank that I am. 


17.0%          That was the best not quite a real kiss E.V.E.R!"

19.0%        "Someday, Snowflake, when we're both ready, I'll pleasure you
                      in the same way." Sawyer, this blizzard (me) is ready NOW."

                    "Quick? What are you suggesting? I'm a man of great stamina
                      and QUICK is not a word in my vocab. Slow, methodical and 
                      precise are, however" ...This man is making me THIRSTY!!!!!!!!!!


28.0%         "Any previous doubts he had about being a Dom pooled at his
                      feet along side his pants. He was a Dom and there was no
                      turning back." 


29.0%          "Some orgasm denial"...."That sounds delicious' ...And Sarah says
                       she not a masochist.


42.0%          "Fuck my tongue with your mouth."


42.0%          "Sawyer speaks multiple languages...and I have an orgasm waiting for
                       each one of them.. GOOD GAWD!!"


56.0%           "Fuck me, Master Morrison, please take all of me"... "I will and
                        I'll start with your ass".....and fade to black. GRRR!!!!


78.0%              "Zipping his pants, he pulled his cock out and stroked it. "Play                                   with yourself while I fuck your beautiful mouth." 


97.0%              "When I dream, it's your face I see, and when all is dark, you
                          are my light.". damn you Sawyer for making me feel all girlie right
                          now.. Yes, I swooned for a moment. 


***5 "Sir Charming" STARS**

*Would I like to try the BDSM lifestyle? Umm..No thanks, I'm way too stubborn.
*Would I ever bow at a mans feet?.. No, I just told you I'm stubborn.
*Would I ever let a man flog me? Hell No, my stubborn ass would flog the shit out of him for even suggesting it.
*Would I ever ask for a mans permission? Hello, when does a stubborn person ask for anything?
*Would I ever be the receipient of an orgasm in public? My stubborn ass cannot confirm nor deny that question.
*Would I submit to Sawyer? HELL. TO. THE. YES., my agreeable ass would do anything and everything Sawyer requested of me. 

My Sawyer:

I have a new name on my top 5 book boyfriend list and his name is Sawyer. Lord, this man did a number on my ovaries. Now, he's not your typical alpha male. All you lovers of Christian Gray, Tony Rawlings and Jesse Ward's possessive ways may not be huge fans of Sawyers charm, patience and attentiveness. Hey, that's okay. Too each their own, Correct??. Lucky for me Sawyer has all the traits I look for in a man and a whole lot more. Sawyer's perfection. Everything that came out of his mouth had me smiling... squirming..... and slobbering all over myself. I can't think of a single negative things to say about him, other then the fact that he's fiction. 

"When I dream, it's your face I see,
and when all is dark, you are my light." 

I highlighted pretty much the entire damn book & and I could post all my favorite quotes and summarize the book, which would kill the entire experience for you, so I won't....okay, it's also because I'm lazy and I know there will be a dozen others reviews that will summarize the storyline way better than I ever could.. I went into this story blind and I suggest other readers do the same. Don't let my opinions nor the opinions of other reviewers misguide you. Pick up the book and come to your own conclusion, SNOWFLAKES :-) 

Ella Dominquez I cannot wait to read your other work.. You are dynamite girlfriend.

Purchase Your Copy Here


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