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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Locked by Maya Cross

A Review By Wendy

4 Dom, Newly Submissive, Mysterious Stars * * * *

have often wondered.... how is it people know things about each other in first meetings... is it a type of sexual, personal radar... where our internal mechanisms do this instant honing in and starts to do that beep beep beep which alerts us as to who we are attracted to?

Is there a sensory system which recognizes certain qualities in others which we need to gravitate to... where we have such overwhelming want... we do things which are not of the usual way for us? Where someone who is all dominate and knowing can find that part of a woman which is submissive even when she has no idea that need is dormant just waiting to have the right person unleash it?

Well... that is what seems to happen when these two characters meet...
Sebastian Lock... mysterious venture capitalist and Sophie... attorney at a well known law firm. However, the way they meet and the connection which draws them is anything but the usual.

In fact their whole relationship from their first meeting, to first date,  to first all encompassing kiss... is anything but usual. .... and that is the delicious make up of this story.

He is not your usual pompous, rich man wanting a quick lay .... oh he wants the lay... but on his terms... and she seems feisty and able to fend for herself... but around him... he has some kind of hold over her...

So they agree to play... have a friendly exclusive time together when able...and it seems like a plan... until emotions ensue and we are left to wonder what is next...

I liked this start of the series... it all made sense up till a point... Never having been in Sophie's situation... I had to question as to how quickly she just flipped her switch like freely just be so willing so soon ..Only time will tell as to how this progresses.

I do think there is more to this tale besides all of the sexual fun... I see hints of major conflicts of interest happening project wise for the both of them and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

The next book is LockedOut and I do not plan on being that at all....

About Maya Cross

Maya Cross is writer who enjoys making people blush. Growing up with a mother who worked in a book store, she read a lot from a very young age, and soon enough picked up a pen of her own. Her previous work spans many genres including horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and she has now started this pen name as an outlet for her spicier thoughts (they were starting to overflow). She likes her heroes strong but mysterious, her encounters sizzling, and her characters true to life.

She believes in writing familiar narratives told with a twist, so most of her stories will feel comfortable, but hopefully a little unique. Whatever genre she's writing, finding a fascinating concept is the first, and most important step.
The Alpha Group is her first foray into erotic romance, and she absolutely loved writing it.
When she's not writing, she's playing tennis, trawling her home town of Sydney for new inspiration, and drinking too much coffee.

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