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Friday, January 17, 2014

Cover Reveal & Giveaway (Amazon GC) - Yearning - Ashlynne Laynne

Cover Reveal

Title: Yearning
Author: Ashlynne Laynne
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance/ Vampire
Expected Release Date: February 11th 2013


“Destiny will not be denied.”                   

Like their siblings, Katy McCutchin—a powerful double Wiccan with otherworldly powers—and Gabe Rousseau—a full-blooded vampire—are destined. They’ve conquered many obstacles to be together. With their relationship at a crossroads and chaos erupting all around them, it’s time to take the steps that will finally link them for eternity.

Author Bio

Ashlynne Laynne/Q. Lane is a songwriter, poet and author of erotic paranormal and contemporary romance, who has always had a soft spot in her heart for vampires but grew tired of the garlic fearing, sun-loathing creatures of old. An avid horror movie fan, she tends to enjoy media and music that is of a younger, more eclectic nature. This was the catalyst for her writing The Progeny.                                                                                     
She loves writing on the edge—combining the erotica and romance genres—and thinks of Ascher and Shauna as the wicked, damned version of Romeo and Juliet. She is currently working on book six of her Progeny Series, book one of her upcoming Alterity Series, and several novella spin offs. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading and spending time with her family. She juggles the hats of wife, mother, full time employee and part-time writer, hoping to write exclusively one day soon. Find and follow her online on Twitter. Check out her Manic Readers page, Blog and Website, or leave a note in her Reader Email.                                                                                  
Fall of 2013, Ashlynne Laynne started her own publishing, Q-Rotic Press. The remainder of her Progeny Series and all future projects will release through this new entity. 
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and son.

Other Books




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hosted by:

MaE Book Tours


  1. Thank you for the giveaway ! I totally prefer vamps :D

  2. Thank you so much for hosting me today. Love the floating background.

  3. Hi Emma!!!!!!
    I love them too (Duh, right?). But I love them so much that I am now called vamp girl by my close friends. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  4. Thanks for the comment Ashlynne!! <3
