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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Book Review Blitz & Giveaway ($25 GC) - Weak for Him (Weakness #1) - Lyra Parish

Book Review Blitz

Weak for Him by Lyra Parish 
(Weakness #1) 
Publication date: January 15th 2014 
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


Weak for him is a New Adult read with sexual content.

“Have you heard the saying, ‘sex sells’? Well, I’m the supplier.”

Finnley Felton sells sex.
Jennifer Downs is a virgin.
With the help of lady luck, the two meet.

Money. Bright lights. Sex.

Jennifer is made an offer: sell her virginity to the highest bidder and transform into one of Finnley’s girls. But she finds herself weak for him, and doesn’t fully realize what she’s agreed to until it’s too late.

Will she rise to the challenge and play by the rules in a land where money is king and love is prohibited? Or will she lose herself and values in the attempt?


Barnes & Noble 

A Review by Carol

Book – Weak for Him (Weakness #1)
Author – Lyra Parish
Publication Date – January 11, 2014
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance
Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

I honestly enjoyed the story-line and the sex was fucking OFF THE ROOF!! I didn’t know sex without intercourse could be so f’ing HOT….but Finnley Felton can make even an 80 year old great-grandmom cream her panties!......ewwww……I just got a visual of that and threw up a bit in my mouth…..OK……let’s just say that Finnley is S-E-X magnified a million times!

I loved Jennifer….I loved her character…..I loved her sass and her “truck-driver” mouth!  I loved her strength and her will to continue on even when her heart was breaking.  She picked up those pieces – forced herself to forget and moved on to greener pastures.

Finnley made me so frustrated (hence the less star) that I continually wanted to throw my phone against the wall and tell the dude to make up his fucking mind.  What a twat-licker and douche-canoe…..UGH even thinking about it makes my blood boil.  His only redeeming quality was to get me to a point where I had to go visit BOB a few times! J

Put Jennifer and Finnley together and we go on a ‘magic carpet ride’ between angst, dominance, love, frustration, innocence, quality banter and heartbreak.  Jennifer wants Finnley and feels that he wants her but she keeps getting mixed signals from him which puts her emotions through the ringer.  This is definitely a hair puller, angsty ride!

Jennifer packs everything up and moves to Vegas in order to start her life all over again but little does she know someone already has his eyes set on her and will do anything to have her in his employ.

It’s not an easy decision for Jennifer – sell her virginity to the highest bidder and become one of Finnley’s “Elite”.  After juggling the pros and cons of losing her virginity, it finally comes to the point where she just thinks of her ‘V-Card’ as a hindrance and just wants it gone.

Through training with Finnley, Jennifer starts to feel the pull and magnetism to Finnley, well that is until she meets the highest bidder…..awww….swooon Luketon.  Luketon treats Jennifer like the delicate flower he pictures her to be, but Jennifer’s thoughts seem to keep flying back to Finnley.  

But Finnley isn’t having any of that….he doesn’t do relationships and there is a MAJOR rule in the land of The Elite…..NEVER FALL IN LOVE with your clients or your boss.  Finnley continues to get hot and then cold…pushing Jennifer toward Luketon but then getting irritated about her relationship with him.

Just when Jennifer is about to give up her V-Card you will never believe this but……..oh…..sorry – gotta leave this review on that note.

Wrap Up
If you want to find out who Jennifer gives her virginity to….or who Luketon really is or maybe what happens when Jennifer’s best friend comes to visit….then pick up this book!

Author Bio

Lyra Parish loves to write, travel, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush.

She is a firm believer that a person can never have too many cats, cups of coffee, or read to many happily ever after's. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike.

Weak for Him (Weakness #1) is Lyra's debut novel. Weak Without Him (Weakness #2) will release Spring 2014. Lyra currently resides in Texas with her husband and black cat.

Author Links

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